About Alice


Hello! My name is Rhiannon, and I am a senior at the University of Pittsburgh. In one of my classes we are writing notes/letters to writers whose work we admire.

I wanted to reach out to you because your Alice series shaped my life in high school. I started reading when Alice’s high school years were released. I fell in love with Alice and cared more about her life than my own at times! I shared the books with my friends and we had a system where I read one, lent it to my best friend, and she lent it to another one of our friends. Then we’d all get together and talk about Alice! I remember your novels shaping my imagination and inspiring me to write and I just want to say thank you. You are one of the most influential authors in my life who motivated me to pursue writing and a career working with YA literature.


Phyllis replied:

How wonderful to hear from someone interested in YA literature. The first Alice book I wrote really begins with her in fifth or sixth grade.   I only decided to turn her into a series when my editor agreed that I could make her a little older in each book.  I didn’t want to get stuck in a sit-com where she is in the same class and situations as she faced in grade school.  I’ll have to say that I became emotionally involved in her too–laughing at her antics with Lester, and crying when there was a death among her friends.  Thank you for taking time from your own busy life to write to me, and best of luck in your own writing!

Posted on: April 22, 2018


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