Happy Holidays, everybody!

We were supposed to have an ice storm today, but it’s only rain dripping from the icicle lights along our balcony railing.

We spent Thanksgiving with our younger son and his family in New Jersey.  Garrett is five, Beckett is two, and they roll around on the floor and wrestle like bear cubs.  The first morning we were there, our bedroom door opened just a crack and a small voice whispered, “Nana, will you play hide-and-seek with me?”  I did, in my pajamas.

We will spend Christmas with our older son and his family in Minnesota.  Sophia is a senior in high school, Tressa is in eighth grade.  We’ll be celebrating Sophia’s acceptance at Swarthmore next fall, and Tressa’s leaving middle school AT LAST!  When she went to high school orientation, her big sister gave her a tour.

I  hope that the holidays will be good ones for you.  I  hope to find time to work some more on the Alice book coming out in 2010, which I haven’t really titled yet.  Perhaps it will be “Alice in Charge.”   I hope to hear from you in the coming year!

Posted on: December 22, 2008


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