Books: Bernie Magruder
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Bernie Magruder & The Bats in the Belfry
There are strange goings-on once again in Middleburg. Someone has put up posters warning townspeople that the dreaded Indiana Aztec bat has been sighted in the area. What’s more, the town is in an uproar over the bells recently placed in the church belfry that chime every hour — twenty-four hours a day! It seems the whole town is going batty with the constant pealing!
Bernie Magruder is determined to get to the bottom of things. Who put up all those posters about a species of bat no one has ever heard of? What can the townspeople do to return some peace to their lives? And are the bats that Bernie and his family see swooping about the belfry the dreaded Indiana Aztecs?
Looks like Bernie, and his two friends Georgene and Weasel, have their work cut out for them again!
Winner of the 2004 Edgar Award for Best Juvenile Book