

Hi! I have been rereading the Alice series and came across some foreshadowing that was established when Alice was in 8th grade. In “Alice in Lace”, the gang is given scenarios to help them make decisions in real life. Alice and Patrick are getting married and have to make decisions regarding housing, wedding and finances. Brian deals with the aftermaths of a DUI and Pamela is pregnant and asked the teacher if considering an abortion is an option.
Having read the whole series before, I found it interesting that these themes emerged with the same characters years before they truly happened. Did you always have an inclination to bring their stories in those directions? Was this intentionally foreshadowing the future?

Phyllis replied:

It certainly sounds as though I did.  I’m actually surprised, because I  wouldn’t think I would give so much away in advance.  Maybe my subconscious was hard at work…

Posted on: June 23, 2022


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