How to balance writing time


Hello there! I know you have children of your own and just a side note, you’re my most favorite author in the world ever since I was a little kid! Anyway, I’m a mother of 2 children and I’m trying to write a novel that I’ve spent 2 years on, How did you find time to write a book while having children? How did you find time to spend time with your family and work on a book? Once again, You are remarkable and I hope you are doing well and are happy and in good health!

Phyllis replied:

Here’s how, and I remember it well.  My boys were born 3 and a half years apart.  The minute my baby went down for a nap, I stopped all housework, cooking, etc. and wrote.  When the baby woke up, I stopped.  If my husband had things to do in the evening that didn’t involve me (he was a chess player) I wrote after the baby was in bed.  When  the second baby came along it was more difficult to find writing time, but when the older child was in nursery school and the baby was sleeping, I wrote.  Finally, when both boys were in  grade school, I remember that morning well.  I walked my youngest as far as the patrol boy,  then walked home singing that “the day is mine!!!!”    I wrote all day.  The minute the boys came home, I stopped and devoted much of the evening to family.  I wrote in dentist’s offices, waiting my turn.  I wrote on trains when I was on speaking tours.  I carried a notebook with me wherever I went, and wrote in beauty parlors under the dryer, in train stations, in restaurants, doctor’s offices, hotel lobbies, hospital rooms.  When I broke my ankle two years ago, I moved copies of my manuscript into my hospital room along with research books and extra pens and paper, etc.  In other words, you MAKE time.  Whenever you are alone and there is nothing on the stove or in the playpen that needs attention, you write, write, write.  And when you’re not writing, you try your best to make your family come first.


Posted on: March 30, 2021


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