Just saying thanks!


Hi Phyllis I just wanted to say that I loved your Alice books as a kid I read every single one that the library had even read them out of order because they never had all the books and I never could afford them on my own I just want to say that it really helped me with a lot of things as I was such a introverted kid so happy you made these books and I just wanted to tell you you’re an awesome writer and they really made school bearable for me sending love and light ❤️

Phyllis replied:

I’m delighted that my books meant so much to you.  Sometimes it made me so nervous thinking that I had promised my readers to take Alice to adulthood.  And though I was never seriously ill, I began to wonder what would happen if I were suddenly run over by a bus or something and  readers would wonder whatever happened to Alice.  It bothered me so much that I finally took time to quickly write a condensed version of what might become the final book.  I put it in a little safe in my office, with a letter to my sons saying, “Mike and Jeff, if anything  happens to me before my final Alice book is written, please send this manuscript to my editor at Atheneum.  Love, Mom

P.S.  And no, I did not keep that manuscript, and I am still alive and  presently working on another adult novel

Posted on: July 23, 2022


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