My favorite book is Shiloh


I don’t really have a question per say. I am currently 24 years old. I’m not sure how old I was when I first read Shiloh but I think it was 1st or 2nd grade. Maybe higher. It instantly became my favorite book. I have loved dogs since I can remember and reading a book like that gave me so many emotions as a child. To this day I still consider Shiloh to be my favorite book. It is definitely one of the reasons I started to like reading books. Thank you for sharing your story and for making sequels. I was excited when they made it into a movie as well! Hope you are staying safe! Thanks, Alexa!

Phyllis replied:

I’m so glad to know that the book meant so much to you.  I enjoyed writing every single page.

Posted on: October 24, 2020


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