Phyllis, you’re so phyllisophical!


Dear Phyllis, in a past inquiry that we sent, you said that if you were god, that would explain the mess that the world was in. But why?? It seems as though you are lacking in the self-confidence department. This worries us as we love you dearly as a companion and motherly figure. You are imaginitive, talented and utterly philosophical. You have created what some would describe as the greatest book series to ever grace this earth. We want you to know that you are an inspiration and we want you to be happy. Please realize that you are a badass! Thank you so much for your time. We love you Phyllis!


Phyllis replied:

Wow.  You’re the nicest thing that’s happened to me today.  Just seems that the world is so tangled right now that it would take a super-duper somebody to solve all of earth’s problems.  Actually, I am pretty happy, probably because I don’t have to solve all the world’s problems, though I wish I could.  Thanks so much for your pep talk!  I’ll inform my friends that I’m a badass.

Posted on: January 26, 2019


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