Saving Shiloh movie



This year my teaching assignment is a grade 4,5,6 class and they adore your books. I read all three Shiloh books to them and showed them the movies but I have not been able to find the 3rd movie and they still ask me if I have found it, months later. Do you have any idea where I could find a copy? I have read the books and showed the movies to many classes over several years but I can not find my copy of the dvd Saving Shiloh and I cannot find it online. Do you have any clues? Thank you for writing such passionate, suspenseful books! I love it when kids are excited by books!


Phyllis replied:

I love it when kids are excited by books too.  There are actually four books in the series, the 4th one being A Shiloh Christmas, but as yet there is no movie about that one.  I went to, clicked on cd’s, typed in “Saving Shiloh movie” and found a number of DVDs of the movie available–some to rent, some to buy, some with two different Shiloh movies on it.  Some are  rather expensive, but you could buy one and rent it out to the schools who would like to show it.  Best of luck.  Let me know how it works out.

Posted on: March 24, 2022


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