Thank you


Dear Phyllis,I just wanted to say thank you for the Alice book series. I am from Germany and I read the first book, when I was 10 years old and continued reading the books that were translated into German in my teens. Later I discovered that there were indeed serveral books, that weren’t translated and I was hooked. This week I finally finished the last book which I got for my 31st birthday from my financé. I really enjoyed the books, because Alice is so relatable, not the coolest, prettiest kid nor the smartest, but just one of us. Thank you so much for the Alice books, I will miss all of the characters and I am looking forward to sharing the books with my children. Regards and keep on writing,

Phyllis replied:

Thank you so much for writing to me.  I’m pleasantly surprised to read, over the years,  how it is often the finance or boyfriend that gives an Alice book as a gift.  To me that means that you, and the other girls/women are able to share with the guy closest to you what you enjoy, how you feel, what would please you….so important.  I’m delighted to know that you were able to find all the books.  I know that Germany stopped translating them once Alice revealed her sexual feelings and questions, and I’m encouraged that you liked the books enough to hunt them down.  Best of luck to you in the years to come….



Posted on: January 8, 2021


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