2 questions about the Hatfords and the Malloys


My students LOVE your series about the Hatfords and Malloys!!! I’ve been reading it to them at this year. I also would like permission to read your books to the kids on Zoom, please.

My kids (students) and I always have questions for you as we read. If you have time to answer a few, I’ll share the answers with the kids.

1. Did you live in Buckannon WV?
2. Did you actually know the Oldakers? (I’m realated to them.)
3. Are any parts of the books based on real people…like Caroline?

Thank you in advance for allowing me to share.

Phyllis replied:

You have my permission to read the Boys Versus Girls series online to your students as long as it is on a private “channel” and that you use this only for this particular crisis.

I’m delighted that your class is enjoying these books.  I never lived in Buckhannon, but my husband grew up there and we went back to visit his friends and neighbors many times.  When he lived there, the swinging bridges were still in place over the river, and his family’s house was on Island Avenue.  He went to grade school, high school and college there, and knew the Oldakers very well.  I autographed at their bookstore when I was there, and they let me see in the trap door in the floor.   But no, all the characters are from my imagination.



Posted on: April 4, 2020


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