21 Year-old College Senior


I’m a 21 year old college senior who has been reading Alice for the past 12 years. When I woke up this morning, contemplating what to do today, I realized it was June 2nd, and that meant I could go pick up the new book!

I was so, so pleased with this latest installment. Honestly, in the past 5 years, some of the books have left me disappointed. I thought that some of the language was unrealistic for Alice’s age group, and that sometimes the books didn’t hold up on their own, but only as part of the series, for readers who wanted to know what was going to happen next in her life. This was absolutely not the case with Intensely Alice, and I loved every minute of this book. It was real, and sad, and the ways that Alice changed and experienced life were wonderful to read. I loved the religion dialogue in particular, and I am glad that you write books for teens that are so honest and real. They need authors like you.  
Phyllis replied:
I appreciate your letter so much.  It’s wonderful for both me and younger readers to know that you can go on enjoying the Alice books as long as you like.   It’s quite understandable that some books appeal more than others, and I don’t expect every reader to love them all.  But I am pleased that you feel the books, this one anyway, are honest and real.  I do try hard to keep them that way.
Posted on: June 4, 2009


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