The Best Part of her Day


My daughter has a brain injury from encephalitis from the age of 
3 and suffers from epilepsy and autism. Aside from that, there is a 
world in wonderful things about her. She  has an independent and 
optimistic spirit,  and brings joy and growth to our family. She is 20 
yrs old, and still living at home with us.  We have an incredible library,  and this is where I discovered your books (we are about to read book 15, Patiently Alice).For young people with special needs, it is so hard to find books that  have that very great mix of a terrific story, well and clearly  written,  with age appropriate themes, many special young people end  up reading very simple kid’s books too late into their lives. Your  Alice books have this great mix and so much more! You have provided through your words, the world of feelings  that she cannot express many times. You have expressed and confirmed 
the joy and importance of a family with love in their home and 
friendships. Your books show a girl who is learning about 
independence, resilience, integrity, generosity. To tell you 
the truth, I can only guess as  to what makes your books so relevant 
and enjoyable for her, I don’t fully know, she is not fully able to 
express these things. However, when I lay beside her  every night and read another 2 chapters, she is happy and engaged and  this may very well be,  the best part of her day, and I am so grateful.

Phyllis replied:


I will be thinking of your daughter with each new Alice book I write.  I’ve forwarded your email on to my editor, and know she will be as touched as I am that the Alice series has meant so much to your daughter.  Thank you, thank you, for taking some of your own precious minutes to write to me.

Posted on: December 1, 2010


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