30 Years Ago…


Hi! I don’t know if you remember me. I live in Vancouver, British Columbia. I wrote to you about 30 years ago as a 9 or 10 year old (I’m now 39). I was an enthusiastic kid and wanted to send a letter to my favourite author. And you wrote back! Growing up I took refuge in your Alice books, and turned to the series for solace and comfort. I’m now a criminal lawyer and am still living in Vancouver. And I still love the Alice series and re-read it from time to time. In your responding letter to me so many years ago, you said you’d continue Alice’s story at least into college – and you delivered! I thank you so much for the defining role your books played in my childhood. xo.

Phyllis replied:

You really made my day.  Thank you so much for your email.  I’m just delighted that the series has meant that much to you  I still use parts of it in talks I give regarding censorship or sexuality or humor.  I really do miss writing the Alice books, but am happy that so many people go on reading them.

Posted on: August 7, 2019


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