A Car Accident


Hi, I just have a quick question about Intensely Alice. Well, I guess it’s more about you really, and past experiences. I was wondering if when you were a teenager, if you had a friend killed in a car accident. My best friend was killed by a drunk driver a little over a year ago and so I guess reading the part about mark was hard at the time. I’ve just reread the book and the way you described her pain and feelings -along with Pamela’s- was a lot similar to the way i was feeling, I guess it just made me wonder if you’ve been through that before. If you haven’t well then I’ve gotta give it to you. You did an excellent job of portraying it through everyone. Your series is great and I can’t wait to read Alice In Charge! Thank you for taking the time to read this =]  

Phyllis replied:


I’m so sorry about your friend.  It must have been truly horrible to have heard the news about that.  No, I’ve not known someone personally who was killed in a car accident, but I had a close friend who was almost killed in a similar accident as the one portrayed in “Intensely Alice.”  And imagining what that would have been like prompted me to use it in this book.

Posted on: June 20, 2010


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