A Future Librarian

I just wanted to thank you for writing all the Alice books. The series was the first series I ever fell in love with. The librarian at my public library first turned me onto the series when I was in 6th grade. Soon enough I caught up and then surpassed Alice in age. The older I got, it definitely was a different experience to be reading about a girl younger than me, but I was a devoted fan and had to find out what was going on in Alice’s life! I began working at the library when I was old enough and that same librarian, always snuck me the newest Alice books while they were still in cataloging, so I could read them first. Even when I was bogged down with school work, I’d drop everything when a new Alice book came out, and breeze through it in a day or two. The amount of joy I got from these books made me want to bring that joy to others and definitely contributed to my love for libraries. I have just started my studies to get my Masters in Library Science so I can be a public librarian myself and I find it very symbolic that Alice’s final chapters are about to be released. I think Alice is timeless and as a future librarian I will do my part wherever I end up, to direct young girls to the best coming of age series I’ve ever read.

However you’ve ended the books i’m sure will be fitting, and I can’t wait to have the joy one last time of opening a brand new Alice book.  Thank you for making the series go on as long as it has.
Phyllis replied:
And what a joy it was for me to read your letter, and think that the Alice series may have contributed to your decision to become a public librarian.  I think one of the most rewarding jobs there is would be the ability to match the right books with the right students, and help them choose the right direction for their lives.  Gives me the shivers just to think about it.

Posted on: September 16, 2013


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