Absolute Pleasure to Read Your Books!

I began reading your books when I was about eleven.  I am now seventeen… I think the same age as Alice will be in your new book! 
I hadn’t meant to, but I guess I lost track of your books after Including Alice.  School got to be busier, I started working, etc. etc.  I recently saw Patiently Alice on my bookshelf and reread it.  I realized how much I missed the books, and promptly ordered the last four that I’ve missed!  I guess you get letters like this a lot, but I still wanted to tell you what an absolute pleasure it’s been to read your books -all of them, not just Alice.  They’re always relatable, sweet, and funny. 
Phyllis replied:
Thanks so much for your email.  It’s always fun for me to hear from someone who got too busy to read the books for a while and then suddenly picked them up again.  You have a lot of catching up to do, and I wonder if you will feel that Alice has matured in the same way you have.  It’s different for different girls.  Look for “Intensely Alice,” due out in a week or so, and “Alice in Charge,” coming out next June.
Posted on: May 27, 2009


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