Adore Alice


I absolutely adore your Alice books!
When I first discovered them, it was when they were coming out with the big thick books with 3 books in one. I was like, “this book is huge!” but I purchased it anyways. Best money ever spent! I absolutely was hooked the minute I started. I really can connect with Alice, so thank you so much for giving girls/teens across the world a wonderful role model to follow. 
I absolutely adore you and Alice.
Thank you so much for your hard work and endless hours of writing.
Phyllis replied:
Those large 3-book paperbacks have been a real hit with readers, a nice savings, too.  Those “bind-ups,” as they call them in the trade, were the publisher’s idea, and I’m delighted to know you like them so much. 
Posted on: March 5, 2012


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