After the First One, I was Hooked

recently finished “Now I’ll tell you Everything” and it was such a bittersweet moment. I’ve been reading the Alice books since I was in 7th grade. My school librarian had recommended them to me and shortly after reading the first one I was hooked. I’m in eleventh grade now and I feel like Alice has been sort of a big sister to me throughout my high school years. There have been so many moments where I literally would think “That’s happened to me!” or “I thought no one else knew how that felt!” I have to admit that I cried (a lot) when I finished the last book because I was sad to see a character who I’ve loved so much, go. I love everything about the books and all the characters you brought to life. I just wanted to say thank you for writing these books because they’ve made such an impact on myself and many other girls in the world. I will keep them forever, and hopefully my future daughter can read them too! Thank you again!
Phyllis replied:
I often feel that too when I read a good book–the feeling that no one else knew how I felt, but that somehow, this author had captured it.  It’s great that Alice could be your “big sister.”

Posted on: February 14, 2014


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