Alice as an Adult

I would just like to start out by saying how amazing the Alice books are. Alice is someone that every girl can relate to; she has many of the same insecurities we do. I started reading your books when I was around 10, and I still love them. I’ve gotten both my mom and my 17-year old MALE cousin hooked. It is evident that you put hours upon hours of thought into each book, and I, as well of hundreds of other readers, will always love Alice. Please don’t stop writing the Alice books. Maybe other readers wouldn’t find it interesting for Alice to become an adult, but I think you could find some way of making it interesting. (Here are some ideas: “Alice at the Gas Pump”, “Over-The-Hill Alice”, and “Alice in Retirement, Sort-Of”) Thank you for all of the laughs, the tears (Mark’s death hit me hard), and the insight the Alice books have brought to my life.

Phyllis replied;

Thanks so much for your email.   The very last book in the series will deal with Alice in adulthood, from ages 18 to 60.  It’s already at the publisher’s, and will come out in 2013.

Posted on: September 17, 2011


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