Alice asked my questions for me


I really wanted to say thank you! I’ve been rereading all of your Alice books, it’s been about 11 years since I first discovered them, but I’ve never forgotten them. I’m sure lots of people have told you how inspiring Alice was, and how she played a big role in their lives. I’m here to add my name to that list! I had a pretty tough childhood. At the time that I had discovered the Alice series, I had just hit puberty and my mother was M.I.A., so I had a difficult time asking the questions that I needed to ask. Alice asked them for me! Thank you for breathing life into those questions and helping girls like me find those answers. Alice is timeless, and I’m definitely going to introduce her to my future daughter, just in case she has questions that she needs Alice to ask for her, too.

Phyllis replied:

I’m so glad that the books were helpful to you.  Alice asked the questions I had asked my mother when I was nine, and she answered.  As I got older, though, I wasn’t as comfortable asking certain questions, so I wanted to make sure that Alice got the answers.  Your future daughter is lucky to have a mom who is already thinking about ways to make things easier for her!


Posted on: June 29, 2019


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