Alice Books in French


I’m a french student, and when I was 12, a friend offered me one of your translated book. In France, they are only 4 and I bought all of them. Recently, I really wanted to read about Alice’s life and I was glad to know that I’m still having fun reading them… So, first of all, I want to congratulate you. Your books are interesting, they touch on a lot of topics, they are mostly written for young people (especially the ones which are translated in French), but I can still enjoy reading them. When I was 12, I really felt related to Alice, whereas the fact that I’m French (so we don’t have the same culture or the same education system). Today, I’m just curious about what happened to her. And now that my English is better, I want to read them the way you wrote them, so I was wondering where I can get all of your books? Maybe there is an internet site? Or maybe I can find them in England?  Thank you for these books. Even if I only read 4 of them, they hit me.

Phyllis replied:

You can find them on the Internet by going to Amazon or the Barnes and Noble website.  I think you’ll find that you like them even better in their original language.

Posted on: May 29, 2013


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