Alice in Charge

i just love alice in charge it soooooo awesome !!!!!! lol i have a question
im 14years old and i love writing stories im actually writing two right now and my friend loves them lol she my first fan yay lol 
of course i have to be carful with grammer and spelling because im not so hot on that but what am asking is how do u get ur books publish if u want to become an author as like a job?
Phyllis replied:
First, you need to rewrite and revise and rewrite and revise until you can’t find one page, one paragraph, even one sentence that you think could be made better.  Then you go to the reference room at your public library and ask for “Writer’s Market Place,” which lists all the current publishers of books, the editor’s name, the address, whether or not you need an agent to submit something, and what type of material they are looking for.  Then you send your manuscript in, with a stamped, self-addressed mailer for returning it to you if it is not accepted.  Unfortunately most publishers these days only want material submitted by an agent.  But you can also ask your librarian for a list of  agents from the “Society of Authors’ representatives,” and you can choose several of these, write to them, tell them a bit about your manuscript, and ask if they would be willing to take at look at it.  DO NOT pay anyone to read your manuscript–a good agent should be willing to read something without charging–and DO NOT pay a publisher to publish your book.  A publisher should like  your book enough to publish it themselves, and pay YOU for it. As you can see, being a paid professional writer is an enormous amount of work, but so do most jobs if you do them well.
Posted on: July 28, 2010


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