Alice in German

I just finished the last book of the Alice series and felt the urge of writing you. To introduce myself:  I live in Germany. I started reading Alice books in 5th grade when a friend gave me the second one of the series (“Heute schon geküsst Alice” in German). I instantly fell in love with Alice and easily related to her. When I found out there were even more books to read, I was psyched! By the time I was reading the fifth book, my mom had started reading the series as well. Since we couldn’t wait for the books to be translated into German, my Mom decided to order books eight to twelve in English. She had studied in the U.S. for a few years, so the language was no problem for her at all. I, on the other hand, was only 13 years old and my language skills weren’t good enough to read whole books in English (not that I hadn’t tried, I was devestated when I realized I wasn’t able to read them). But since I loved Alice so much, I waited patiently for the books to be published in German. However, after the 12th book there was a exceptionally long time without a new Alice book and so I tried to read the English ones again (my mother was reading book 16 at the time) and was thrilled to discover that it wasn’t hard for me at all. I read all the books we had in the house, but then again we had to wait for the next one to come out. I must confess that I kind of forgot about them in my late teenage years (sorry about that). When I was around 18 my Mom went on a business trip to California and returned with five “new” Alice books. I remembered how much I had loved them and immediately started reading. Ever since I patiently waited for the next Alice book to be published and let me say, I was never disappointed by one of them. As I mentioned in the beginning, I just finished “Now I’ll Tell You Everything” and I absolutely loved it. I couldn’t stop crying, though, because I knew it was the last book ever. I enjoyed getting to know how Alice’s life turned out and loved every detail about it. I was thrilled to find out she and Patrick got to spend their lives together, I supposed it was just meant to be 😉
Let me say thank you for writing this series, it really touched me and I enjoyed every minute I spent reading!
Phyllis replied:
You must be one of my most dedicated fans!  I’m embarrassed to say that I can’t read any foreign language, and Latin doesn’t count.  I’m so happy that you were able to find all of them.  Please give your mom a hug from me.

Posted on: February 14, 2014


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