Alice memories


I am 32 years old, and first discovered the Alice series when I was around 11. It was the first time I learned that reading can be fun, and I’ve considered myself a “reader” ever since. I remember going on your website and reading your questions and answers you would put up.  Now, as an adult, I’m planning on buying the full series for my daughter. She is only a year old, but I can’t wait to share these books with her one day.

Phyllis replied:

Thanks for your lovely email.  I’m glad you’re planning to get the whole series now, because I don’t know how many sets my publisher ordered, but they won’t have copies forever.  You will have such fun reading the books together when your daughter is older.  I hear from a lot of mothers that this is a favorite activity when their daughters are ten or older.

Posted on: November 11, 2019


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