Alice On Board


    I don’t know if you’ll even read this, but I feel almost obligated to write you.  I have been a fan of the Alice series for years; I started reading the Alice books when I was in the fourth grade, and I still look forward to each new book every May.  As amazing and wonderful as Alice is, something even more amazing and wonderful happened not even a month ago when “Alice on Board” came out.  This book is, of course, about Alice’s Summer after her senior year of high school, and it just so happened to come out the Tuesday before my own high school graduation. Alice and I have finally met at the same age, and this got to me in a way that I didn’t think possible… I loved the book and I found it to be the most inspiring one yet, but what really got to me was this passage, “Was it always this hard, I wondered – this breaking away? Always so painful to move from one place to the next? Always so exciting and wonderful and… yes, so scary to make a pact with life that no matter what it might throw your way, you would deal?” This passage expresses exactly what I’m feeling and going through in my life right now, and it was incredible to hear Alice saying it. Thank you for being such an amazing writer and inspiration, and thank you for making Alice feel like me and one of my best friends all at the same time.  I love her, and I can’t wait to read her final chapter next May.
Phyllis replied:
I’m so glad you found that helpful!  Thanks so much for writing to me.   My publisher has decided that the very last book in the series, “Always Alice,” will come out in the fall of 2013 rather than spring, as they want to give it a nice send-off.  And because it is a much longer book than all the other Alice books, I am still adding to it and tweaking it.  I  hope you will like it just as much.
Posted on: June 15, 2012


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