alice series


Hi Mrs. Naylor! I am contacting you regarding a project for banned books week, and if you want to know the whole truth I don’t agree that your books should have been banned. Personally I found them interesting and of assistance, as I am a teenage girl battling most of the same things Alice did therefore, I would like to thank you! I would very much appreciate if you could get back as soon as possible, have an extraordinary day!

Phyllis replied:

I think it’s important for readers to know that all the titles of books found to have been “banned” at one time or another include books that were requested to be banned; most libraries stand up for authors and support our right to  explore subjects that a parent or teacher might feel inappropriate for readers of a certain age.  Certainly every complaint or suggestion should be given thought and consideration, but most libraries have rules about things they must consider before buying a book–what reviewers have said about it, why it was written, etc.  Many people would be surprised, even shocked, at wonderful titles that they themselves have enjoyed and would not at all consider being banned from a library.



Posted on: October 24, 2021


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