Not my Favorite


So I read Intensley Alice and I finished it in 2 and a half hours! But I have to say it wasn’t my favorite it didn’t have much  excitement I mean I have LOVED all your other Alice books but…..this one I mean some chapters weren’t that exciting. like the soup kitchen part and when —— died I was actully relieved I thought it might be someone else. even though I didn’t cry, it made me see how lucky I am that no one I was ever close to has died. I was thinking about what I would do if that happened to anyone I know I would probably be much weaker then Alice was.I think Alice had every right not to believe that god didn’t exist.


Phyllis replied:

When sad things happen, it makes us focus on the big questions in life, and different people have different answers.   Thank you for writing to me.

Posted on: August 10, 2009


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