Always Alice


Hello, I’m in love with the Alice books and my daughter has gotten into them too! It gives us both something to talk about and she even tells her friends about them! She’s only been able to read them on the internet so I decided to order some and I saw there was a book called “Always Alice” that said it was written by you, I’ve read all your books from The Agony Of Alice to Now I’ll tell You Everything and never saw this one, what is it about? Thank you.

Phyllis replied:

There isn’t an Alice book called “Always Alice”  but there’s an “Almost Alice.”  There are 28 books in all, beginning with “Starting with Alice” and ending with “Now I’ll tell You Everything.”   I love hearing that you and your daughter share them.  A number of mother and daughters do this , and find that it leads to some very honest and helpful conversations.

Posted on: December 22, 2020


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