Am I Normal?



Without the Alice books, I honestly don’t know what I would have done. When I really couldn’t turn to a parent or anyone else, Alice was there to explain the most “taboo” sort of things that I was lost without knowing. Even more than that, there were times I was convinced there was something very wrong with me. You’re books cleared that up, and let me know I was normal. I can’t thank you enough. Especially for having the clear understanding and fortitude to publish what children truly need.
I understand you must be incredibly busy, I don’t really know what to expect. But I hope you have a wonderful day, you’ve given me so many through you’re writing.

Phyllis replied:


I imagine there are many readers identifying with you as they read your email.  I know from the emails and letters I receive that many, many girls worry that they think about things no one else would think about, or that some part of their female anatomy is too big or too small, or that they doubt some of the things their parents believe, or that what seems right to them seems wrong to someone else….  I’m glad my books were helpful to you over the years, and appreciate your taking the time to tell me so.

Posted on: August 22, 2011


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