Answering Questions

Question:      I’ve read plenty of tween and teen books, but none of them really understood me untill I read about Alice.
Most of the other books I’ve read cover up REAL questions about life, IMPORTANT questions, that I want to ask.
but in the Alice series, everything is finally answered! Questions about life, love and so on. Also, the Alice books were the first books I’ve read that made me actually want to laugh out loud. And when I did, everyone I was around with at the moment would stare at me.  No, I havn’t read ALL the Alice books. There are so many (happily) and some of them have such “interesting”
pictures on the cover, my mom probably won’t let me take out. But I plan on checking them out later on.
Phyllis replied:
I’m so glad you found them helpful, though I still have a lot of questions of my own about life.
Posted on: August 30, 2011


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