Anticipate Each New Book

Hi Phyllis!  I’m not really sure where to start.  I started to read the Alice series about two years ago and I fell in love with them.  I’m not really sure what it was, but I think that it’s because I can relate to the series so well.  As a sixteen year old girl, I can say that most of the books about teen romance and drama are so over dramatized. Sure, they’re fun to read, but so unrealisic!  The thing that suprises me the most about your books is that there isn’t a huge plot that keeps continuing on.  They’re simple and realistic and I think that’s the reason why I anticipate a new book from the day I stop reading the last one to the day my public library receives the next book. 

Phyllis replied:

I know the books are sort of hard to categorize, but they are simply following the life of a girl from age 8 to age 60.  What happens often surprises me as well as the reader.  I just try to write as realistically as I can, and imagine what would happen next in the life of this particular girl.

Posted on: June 5, 2012


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