Appreciate Your Honesty


I’m one of those adults who’s been reading your Alice books since I was in middle school. And I still love reading each new one as it comes out. I was looking through your Alice blog this afternoon and I just wanted to let you know that I so appreciate the honest, straightforward way that you answer all the questions you get. I hope when I have children that are pre-teens and teenagers that I will have the guts to show them how much I respect them by addressing their questions and concerns with as much honesty. I don’t always agree with what you say, but man, I honor your choice to be real and to genuinely concern yourself with the issues your readers face. Thank you for giving so much of yourself to the people who love your books.
P.S. I’m also kind of wondering if you have a new Alice book coming out this spring?  I thought there was usually a new one every year, but I haven’t seen a single thing on Amazon or your blog.


Phyllis replied:


Thank you so much for your letter.  If you go to “books”  on and type in “Alice in Charge,” you will see the cover of the new book coming out this June.

Posted on: March 17, 2010


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