Audio recording of SHILOH


I am a school teacher in Thailand at the moment and my students will be reading your book ‘Shiloh’ this coming term. As a lot of my students are ESL learners, I hope to have audio versions of the book available for them to follow along with. I was thinking about recording myself reading the text so as they could follow along with a familiar voice. I imagine the audience for this would be my direct students, however, I was thinking about putting it on a youtube chanel for the students to access at home or school. I understand there is a copyright law and that your book is protected by that, so I suppose I am wondering if you have any suggestions for me based on this information. I do not want to step on toes or breach anyone’s rights, my goal is to to support my student with good literature.
If you will allow me to do so or have any other suggestions that may help, I would love to hear from you.

Phyllis replied:

There is a wonderful Bantam Audio Cassette put out by Bantam, Doubleday, Dell.  I suggest you purchase that CD and play it in your classroom.  It’s read by a professional actor.

Posted on: September 28, 2018


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