Your Questions Answered

Follow Alice into Those First Trying Years of Adulthood?

Hi I read the alice series back in the 6th grade and loved it.Thank you. .Having a newborn daughter made me reflect back to these books and how comforting they were to me at a very awkward stage. I have now caught up on the whole series and was wondering if you were still writing the alice series? Intensely Alice is being shipped to me right now and i can’t wait.. At the end of every book, i’m so eager to continue the story. i personally think it would be great to be able to follow alice into those first trying years of adulthood. how long do you plan to follow alice? are you writing another alice book now?
Phyllis replied:
Yes, I’m working on another Alice book right now.  There will be 28 in all.  After you read “Intensely Alice,” look for “Alice in Charge,” coming out next June.  Next year, look for “Incredibly Alice.”   The very last Alice book, ending the series, “Always Alice,” will be out in 2013, and yes, it will take Alice all the way from age 18 to 60. 
Posted on: January 10, 2010

Performing in Public


Okay,I wanted to be a performer,like an actress or a musician?I just wanted to perform in musicals,dances,concerts and stuff in my place and in public but how do I get the oppurtunity to do that?And how do I find a club or a performing arts centre out there??Please help me

Phyllis replied:


First you have to have a talent.  You have to be really good at something.  What are your talents?   Dancing?  Singing?  Acting?   Most performers get to where they are by being really dedicated to their art, whatever it is.  They sing or dance or play a musical instrument because they enjoy it, and would do it whether they ever got a chance to perform or not.  If your first ambition is to be a performer of anything, rather than do the work involved in developing your talent, you have less chance of success than if you start out falling in love with singing, dancing, or whatever it is you have in mind.  That should be your first goal.  Finding a place to perform is waaaaaaay down the line.

Posted on: January 9, 2010

A Guy Who’s a Player


I love your books, but today I really just need advice. So a really good friend of mine was broken up with a little before xmas. She would always gush about him and talk about how much fun they have together. When he broke up with her she acted like she didn’t care, (like most of us would) but everyone knew she was hurt. I know your probably thinking GET TO THE POINT! but I need to say this part first. This guy is pretty popular, nice guy knows everyone, lets call him  Jake, so Jake is a player. Once again he has targeted a new girl, and now its me. I had a semi crush on him in like 5th grade, but I never told anyone. Once we were sitting next to each other and  his friend who I went out with before) said “you must like where your sitting.” When he thought I couldn’t hear. So and so said “ya” and they talked some more. When he firts with me I don’t flirt back, but I don’t snub him out either. If I’m with my friend and he approaches I make an exuse to leave. But she’s noticed. So today I was at her house, when she says “when Jake askes you out are you gonna say yes?”So I asked what she is talking about and she responded “oh c’mon you know he likes you, he always flirts with you, and always makes an exuse to be near you.” So I rold her she is just paranoid, but then my other friend said “he always flirts with you! How do you not notice!?”  I just told them thats just his personality, how do I tell him that i’m not interested. But if he does ask me out, I can see myself panicing and saying ya! thnx fr your help.

Phyllis replied:


Well, do you or don’t you want to go out with Jake?  If your girlfriends know he likes you, and you know he likes you, and you also know he’s a player and breaks hearts, what do you want to do?  Why don’t you just try being honest with your girlfriends.  Tell them you used to have a crush on him; admit he flirts with  you.  If you really don’t want to go out with him, tell him you’re not interested.  Most guys won’t hang around a girl who rejects him.  Is that what you’re really afraid of?

Posted on: January 9, 2010

Using Marijuana

hi :). i like your book beacuase im still trying to figure out life and your books help me solve some of my problems when i see them reflected through Alice’s eyes. i was reading one of the books the other day and it was talking about how brian smoked weed, and i was wondering some things about that. i know its against the law, but so many people do it. and so many people say it should legalized. i get confused, because my original instinct says that its bad, but when i see all the people at my school doing it it seems like maybe it is okay and im just not gutsy enough to try it. if it feels good, doesnt cause you health problems, and it is not addicting….why is it wrong? please reply! Thanks!!!
Phyllis replied:
I’m not an authority on the use of marijuana, and I think perhaps the jury is still out as to its harmful effects.   But since there is so much controversy about it, and many do claim to have been harmed, I would certainly not try it myself.  Personally, I don’t like the idea of having to rely on something to distort reality in some way in order to enjoy myself.  There are enough pleasurable harmless things I can do to have fun.

Posted on: January 8, 2010

Alice movie

Hey Phyllis!
I was on the Alice Upside Down website and it said that it was supposed to be a trilogy? Do you know anything about this, and/or when the next movie will be coming out?
Phyllis replied:
No, I really don’t.  I hadn’t heard that.  The next time I talk with the producers, I’ll ask if there are any plans.  I probably would have heard if there were.
Posted on: January 8, 2010

Becoming Famous



How do you become famous? How do you have the patience to right a book ? I want to but i just always don’t.

Phyllis replied:


If your main purpose is to become famous, try something other than writing a book.  Most books are published because the writer wanted to write—enjoyed telling a story and choosing the words that would best bring it to life.  If this is not a passion of yours, try something else.  Most people who become famous do so because they set out to do their very best at something, not to make a name for themselves.

Posted on: January 5, 2010



      I love the Alice series and I watched the movied Alice Upside Down.I love how you put real life situations in books. I totally relate to Alice.But…do you know if they are making another Alice movie? I would love to watch it…

Phyllis replied:

There is no other Alice movie planned at this point that I know of.  Sorry.

Posted on: January 5, 2010


Ok, so someone called me a “sleazy whore” today….so i was wondering what it means???Please Reply!!
Phyllis replied:
I’m sure that both words are in your dictionary, but “sleazy” generally means someone or something cheap or in bad taste, and a “whore” is a person who performs sex acts for money.  Some people use whatever words they can think of to insult someone, whether they fit or not.

Posted on: January 5, 2010

Alice movie


I’m a 12 year old girl (13 as of May 7). I really enjoy your books. I think it would be AMAZING if you made some of the books into movies! I’m A LOT like her so I think it would be fabulous to see what she might look like. It would be great to have a movie or two because girls just don’t seem to read that much as soon as they hit high school. It might encourage them to read the books if they see it in movie form. I think it would help girls who haven’t read the books with their insecurities which I’m sure was your whole point. Your books have helped me through struggles I’ve had more then any other girl. I wish I had an idea for an actress for Alice. It might encourage the idea, but I guess you should have the choice for who you think is best for the part. That would be an amazing opportunity for any girl!!! So, I just sent you this email to tell you that I loved your books and that it would be fabulous if you made some of the books into movies.

Phyllis replied:
There already is an Alice movie, but I didn’t produce it.   You can get it on DVD.  The title is “Alice Upside Down.”  Although it’s much different from the book, it’s loosely based on “The Agony of Alice.” 
Posted on: January 5, 2010

The Person I’m Meant to Be


You are a genius and one of the most inspirational writers.I thoroughly enjoy reading each and every one of your Alice books. I was wondering if you could help me with a problem I have been trying to overcome for some time now. Ever since I was a little girl I have dreamed of becoming an actress. Not for the fame or the money but because I enjoyed the wondrous feeling of being able to express myself freely and openly onstage. Growing up I would get the lead roles in school plays always so sure of myself. But by the end of 7th grade I had lost all feelings of security. I became very self conscious and timid letting my nervous nature take control. I am now almost 17 and still hold strong to the same dream, but it seems almost impossible to make it a reality when I can barley read in front of my class. I just want to be able to be the person I am meant to be without such anxiety.When I read your books about Alice she always seems so sure of herself and confident, I wish I could follow her example. Any advice would help and thank you for your time.

Phyllis replied:


Interesting that Alice is soon going to be facing the very same problem.  It’s common for someone to get lead roles in plays during elementary school, but to start feeling insecure in middle and high schools.  For one thing, your body is changing and sometimes your self image changes along with it.  For another, you are in larger schools, up against more competition, and the “big fish in a little pond” now finds herself a “little fish in a big pond.”  How to adjust?

Remember that some great actors and actresses never get over the fear; they simply override it.  Some were, and stayed, shy forever when out with other people, but were able to slip into another persona onstage.  The only cure for you is to put yourself in every possible situation where you are in front of a group: speech class, drama club, community theater, school plays, musicals…   It might help to join a discussion group where being “up front” isn’t quite as noticeable.  Become a leader of a brownie or a Girl Scout troop.  And watch how other leaders or actors adjust when they make a mistake, misread a line, give the wrong directions, etc.  Life happens.  The world doesn’t end.  Also, teach yourself as many skills as possible, even if they have nothing to do with acting or public speaking.  The more skills you acquire–skiing, cooking, sewing, carpentry, playing poker, singing, dancing–you are building your confidence.  The more you can learn to do yourself, for yourself, the closer you become to being the person you’re meant to be.

Posted on: January 1, 2010


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