Your Questions Answered

I Want to be an Author

Hello!I’ve read your Alice books and I just want to say thank you because the books were so good.I was fascinated by your imagination-strong and wonderful.Besides,you are so clever too!!!I feel so lucky and honoured to send this email to you.
I am 12 and I want to be an author.But how do you find a publication company?And how do you exactly write a book,like did you do millions of planning…or you do things like researching and stuff?I am sorry for asking you such obvious question but to know all these stuff you are the only who can answer it.
Also,my english is quite poor and school and I am trying to catch up.But the problem is,when I settle down on my study room desk and start revising,I couldn’t concentrate and drift off to do something else.No matter how many ways I’ve tried to make myself concentrate,I just can’t do it.What should I do?
Phyllis replied:
I’m not sure if you’re telling me that you have trouble with school subjects in general or if it’s the writing and revising that is difficult for you.  You have many questions, and they can best be answered if you will read my book “How I Came to be a Writer.”  If it’s not in your library, ask your librarian to get a copy for you on inter-library loan. 
A huge amount of work goes into writing a book–getting the idea, planning the whole thing, researching, then writing and revising and writing and revising, over and over until you’re sure it’s the best you can do.  You may find that it’s the idea of “being” a writer that is more appealing to you than the actual “doing,” the writing part.  If you can’t buckle down to revising and your concentrations keeps drifting, it may be that you are better suited to something else.  My advice to everyone is the same: figure out what you love to do most, what it is you do best, and then see if you can combine these two and make a living at it.
Posted on: January 1, 2010

Surprised She Acted the Way She Did


Okay, i know a lot of people must write to you for advice, so i’m sorry to clog your inbox with even more questions, but I would really like to hear your opinion.
I’m a freshman in high school, and i’m always in the play we put on every year. This year i met a lot of people from the upper grades, a well as the younger friends i met before, and we’re all really close. I met one senior (who has a girlfriend) and we like instantly clicked. We talked a lot, and started going off on our own during practice when he wasn’t with his girlfriend just to talk, and we texted every day when we didn;t see each other. At first he seemed like he was really just listening to what i had to say, and he helped me with a lot of problems i had. By the third or fourth day we were talking, though, he started flirting, like a LOT. I thought it was all in my head, but as it kept happening i knew i wasn’t imagining it, even though it was running through my mind that he was three years older, and he couldn’t possibly be interested in me. Our other friends noticed it too, and they kinda questioned whether he was cheating on his girlfriend with me. I wasn’t sure if he actually liked me or he was just seeing whether i would fall for him or not. But by then i liked him a little as more than a friend. I still went with him to “our” corner or staircase or whatever where was always used to talk, but he always sat really close next to me and put his hand over mine, or hugged me for a really long time and said all these really nice things or just stared into my eyes…i didn’t really have a problem with it, except that i thought he was joking, that he was pretending to like me to see what i would do. I was paranoid, i guess, because i didn’t think anyone older, especially someone as amazing as him, could like me. Anyway, after about a week or two of this happening, people noticed we kept sneaking off by ourselves and started rumors that we were making out somewhere. We laughed about it,actually, or at least i did, and it didn’t bother either of us. A few days later, his girlfriend heard about everything we’d supposedly been doing and got really upset. I would have, too, if i were her, but instead of getting angry with him, she started threatening ME. We were pretty friendly before this happened, so i was surprised she reacted the way she did. And i didn;’t do anything, i didn;t even encourage her boyfriend when he was doing all of this to me. Plus, it was nothing major in the least. When we were out of school, they broke up for a few days because supposedly he liked me. She said all this horrible stuff to him, but they got back together. And when we got back to school, he pretty much completely ignored me, and she started coming to practice to make sure we weren’t alone together. I get that she’s possessive, but it really bothers me that we can;t even be friends anymore. I want things to be the way they used to be for us. I miss just talking to him, and i sort of like him. Now i don’t see him by himself at all and we cant even text anymore because his phone broke. My friends think i’m in love with him, and they all think something major happened between us, which nothing did. I keep trying to convince everybody that nothing happened, and we were just friends, but not many people believe me, least of all his girlfriend. A few people said he was always a big flirt when he was away from his girlfriend, but that i was the only one he really got to know and truly liked. I’m so confused, and i miss him a lot. Do you think i should just let go of what’s over and forget about it? I’ve been trying to get over everything, but it’s hard. He made me fall for him, and i trusted him when he said he;d always be there for me if i needed him. He told me he loved me, and i believed it. Now he’s gone from my life and i feel kind of used. i still don’t understand. i wanted to talk to him about it, but his girlfriend’s always hanging on him and she won;t let me say more than a few words to him. I’m sorry to tell you all this, but i really need some advice.

Okay, i know a lot of people must write to you for advice, so i’m sorry to clog your inbox with even more questions, but I would really like to hear your opinion.
I’m a freshman in high school, and i’m always in the play we put on every year. This year i met a lot of people from the upper grades, a well as the younger friends i met before, and we’re all really close. I met one senior (who has a girlfriend) and we like instantly clicked. We talked a lot, and started going off on our own during practice when he wasn’t with his girlfriend just to talk, and we texted every day when we didn;t see each other. At first he seemed like he was really just listening to what i had to say, and he helped me with a lot of problems i had. By the third or fourth day we were talking, though, he started flirting, like a LOT. I thought it was all in my head, but as it kept happening i knew i wasn’t imagining it, even though it was running through my mind that he was three years older, and he couldn’t possibly be interested in me. Our other friends noticed it too, and they kinda questioned whether he was cheating on his girlfriend with me. I wasn’t sure if he actually liked me or he was just seeing whether i would fall for him or not. But by then i liked him a little as more than a friend. I still went with him to “our” corner or staircase or whatever where was always used to talk, but he always sat really close next to me and put his hand over mine, or hugged me for a really long time and said all these really nice things or just stared into my eyes…i didn’t really have a problem with it, except that i thought he was joking, that he was pretending to like me to see what i would do. I was paranoid, i guess, because i didn’t think anyone older, especially someone as amazing as him, could like me. Anyway, after about a week or two of this happening, people noticed we kept sneaking off by ourselves and started rumors that we were making out somewhere. We laughed about it,actually, or at least i did, and it didn’t bother either of us. A few days later, his girlfriend heard about everything we’d supposedly been doing and got really upset. I would have, too, if i were her, but instead of getting angry with him, she started threatening ME. We were pretty friendly before this happened, so i was surprised she reacted the way she did. And i didn;’t do anything, i didn;t even encourage her boyfriend when he was doing all of this to me. Plus, it was nothing major in the least. When we were out of school, they broke up for a few days because supposedly he liked me. She said all this horrible stuff to him, but they got back together. And when we got back to school, he pretty much completely ignored me, and she started coming to practice to make sure we weren’t alone together. I get that she’s possessive, but it really bothers me that we can;t even be friends anymore. I want things to be the way they used to be for us. I miss just talking to him, and i sort of like him. Now i don’t see him by himself at all and we cant even text anymore because his phone broke. My friends think i’m in love with him, and they all think something major happened between us, which nothing did. I keep trying to convince everybody that nothing happened, and we were just friends, but not many people believe me, least of all his girlfriend. A few people said he was always a big flirt when he was away from his girlfriend, but that i was the only one he really got to know and truly liked. I’m so confused, and i miss him a lot. Do you think i should just let go of what’s over and forget about it? I’ve been trying to get over everything, but it’s hard. He made me fall for him, and i trusted him when he said he;d always be there for me if i needed him. He told me he loved me, and i believed it. Now he’s gone from my life and i feel kind of used. i still don’t understand. i wanted to talk to him about it, but his girlfriend’s always hanging on him and she won;t let me say more than a few words to him. I’m sorry to tell you all this, but i really need some advice.

Phyllis replied:

Let me get this straight:  a guy whom you know has a girlfriend starts coming on to you, the two of you sneak off together during play rehearsals, he holds your hand, puts his arms around you, hugs you, tells you he loves you, he’ll always be there for you, and….Surprise!  His girlfriend gets upset.  And you “didn’t do anything, didn’t even encourage the guy?”  You both owe the girlfriend an apology, though she must eventually realize that she can’t force a guy to stay with her by making rules.  It happens that a couple breaks up because one of them falls for someone else, and you can’t help that you were attracted to each other.  But the minute you realized you were doing something that would have made a girlfriend uneasy, you should have been straight with each other: you should have said, “You know, I really like you, but I know you’re going out with X and I’m not a couple-wrecker.”  Then it’s up to him to say, “Hey, I don’t think about you that way, this is all in fun,” and for you then to accept that you’re just a friend and to nix the hugs and secluded little talks.  Or else he’ll say, “Well, X and I haven’t been getting along too well, and we’ve talked of breaking up…”  And then you say, “Well, if that happens, give me a call.”  You’re old enough to put yourself in the place of another girl.  Don’t ever do to someone else what you would find painful if done to you.  And if a guy falls for you and leaves his girlfriend, a clean break, try to keep it as painless for her as possible.  Some day it will be happening to you.

Posted on: January 1, 2010

Next Book


Hi Mrs. Naylor, I was wondering when the next Alice book was coming out, and when you would post a summary or excerpt?

Phyllis replied:


The next Alice book, “Alice in Charge,” will be out in June of this coming year.  Right now the galley proofs are sitting here on my desk waiting for me to get them back to the editor by January 4.  I’m working as fast as I can!

Posted on: December 29, 2009

Favorite Names


You’ve used lots of names in your Alice books – and being the name fiend I am, just so into names, what is your favorite name – not necessarily one out of the Alice books – for a girl?

Phyllis replied:


I’d have too many names to choose any.  And never having had a daughter, I never had to make that choice.

Posted on: December 29, 2009

How Can I Do That?


thz actor frm India-an incredible person-and I dnt mean good lkz, a nice
walk-tho hz walk is sexy-heehee, or an amazing actor-tho h wz claimd best in d
world. Bt an incredible human being! He gives his all 2 hz fans! He lets us know
him thru and thru-which is hard w/an actor-sinz their skill is 2 pt up a gd
front! Bt hz so warm 2, so loving-funny and giving. And I'm judging thz frm
footage away frm films. He is what every girl wishes 2 meet-evn-once in their
lifetime!! He feels for d fanz &cries 4 d poor-sinz h wz raisd poor. W/O even
having met him h feels like a member of d family and thtz y d whole India and
byond viewers lv him! I'm nt an obsessed fan, bcz I hvn't watchd
anything w/hm in yearz-due 2 busy-ness. BT h has a lasting impression-cz hz sch
an amazing person. All I want is a
day 2talk w/hm-like human beings. Bt how in da world can I do tht?

Phyllis replied:


I dunno.  Write him a letter.  Write his studio, his producer.   There are probably a thousand people in line ahead of you.

Posted on: December 29, 2009

Should I Just be a Writer When I’m Old?


I've always thot abt being a writer-bt as a second proffesion 2
being a doctor-smthing 2 do on my spare time. U know??? Howeva, smthings freak m
out abt it! Most of d writers biopicz tht I see dey look out of it, loony, & jst
plain frightening!!! LOLZ, bt urz lkz happy, u dnt lk wackso, and frm d way u
give us all very sound advice; ur def not a loony! So how did u avoid d trend???
Also, Im a very social, outgoing human being and writing lkz like a lonely job.
Shd I jst b a writer whn Im old-or r there ways 2 make writing a social
proffesion? Cz if so…I wanna know it!

Phyllis replied:


If you’re thinking about becoming a writer, either full or part-time, I hope you’re starting now, because for most of us, it’s a long road with lots of rejections.  In any case, I always advise people who want to be writers to prepare for another job and write on the side at first, just to see how it goes, and whether or not the writing life suits you.  You really don’t have to look or act or be strange to be a writer.  I love working alone, but I love being with friends too.  I can entertain myself for hours when traveling, but really look forward to doing things with my family.   Right now your job is to figure out what interests you the most and what you do best.  Then do your research to find out how you can make a living at whatever this turns out to be.

Posted on: December 29, 2009

What I Should Do….


ok so my friend is mean to my other friend she says mean things to her like get away from me and stuff like that and then she goes and says can you buy me this and she does…. and one day i asked her why she does buy her things even though she is really mean to her and she said because i don’t want to hurt her feelings so i was wondering if i should say something to my friends or what i should do because it annoyes me and idk what i should do please help!!!!!!!!

Phyllis replied:


You’re in a position to help here, so do it!  Ask you “mean” friend, “Why do you treat X like that, and then ask her to buy something for you?  What makes you act this way?”  You could also try this approach:  “You’re too nice a person most of the time to be treating X the way you do.  What’s going on?”  As for the friend who keeps buying her stuff, it’s sad.  Remind her that she can’t buy friendship, and give her some special time of your own.

Posted on: December 29, 2009

Do You Think We Can Be Together?


I really like your Alice books.  My favorite ones are the ones from when Alice and her friends are in 7th and 8th grade. One thing I love about the stories is that Alice was always a little bit older than me, and this gave me a preview of what future years would be like.  I think that Alice, Elizabeth and Pamela are the funniest girls ever.  Gwen, Patrick and everyone else are also fun to read about.  You are a really talented story-teller.

One other thing that I wanted to tell you about is this gigantic crush I have on my physical therapist.  He is so adorable and beautiful and fun.  I love him so much and I think we are supposed to be together.  See,first I broke my leg, then I needed physical therapy, then my mom sent me to two P.T’s but their were little problems with them about insurance and other stuff so we switched.  Then, finally I ended up at this physical therapy place.  At first my mom wanted the girl P.T for me but she was busy and Doug said he could do it.  Then on his side, he grew up in Indiana then he moved here right by where I lived.  Thats alot of coincidences.  I wonder so much what he thinks of me.  Some signs that he does like me are that when their weren’t people around he held my hands for balence.  He might have just done this so I don’t fall. But, their is this excersis piece that could work just as well as a hand so mabey its significant that he held my hand.  Also when we were talking about college parties he said that he couldn’t tell me now what went on at them.  But then he said I’ll tell you when you’re older.  That means he plans on seeing me again right?  Also on my last day their he said he would miss my smiley, pretty face.  That has to mean omething right?  This is kind of a corny thing to say but that is the best compliment i’ve ever gotten because it came from him.   I guess my question is that eventhough we can’t really be together now because i”m fifteen and he’s twenty-six, do you think when I’m older we can be together.  I really love him and sometimes I think he feels the same way, but other times I feel he likes me only as a little kid.  Also I miss him so much and I wonder if you have any tips on how to make missing him less difficult.  Thanks for listening to my e-mail, you give really great advice.  You’re are my favorite author.

Phyllis replied:

It’s hard, isn’t it, to really, really like someone and to imagine yourselves together, but to also see the reality of a situation.  I think he enjoys your company, finds you pretty, knows you like him, gets a kick out of teasing you a little, but yes, an 11 year difference, at this age, is huge.  As people grow older and more self-confident about who they are, age matters less.  But right now, you have a whole lot of growing and experiencing to do, while he has a whole life and group of friends you know nothing about.  It may help you to think of him as an important part of your life at one point–you got a glimpse of the kind of man you would like to have a relationship with, you know how it feels to be comfortable with a guy, you know to expect tenderness and consideration, and these are all part of the growing up experience.  You’ll want to look for these same qualities in a boy closer to your own age.  But guys your age have a lot of growing up to do also.

Posted on: December 29, 2009

The Music Store

How did you get the idea of the “Melody Inn” store?
Phyllis replied:
There’s a music store on Georgia Avenue in  Silver Spring named Dale Music Store.  I used to go there a lot, but it’s been years now since I’ve been inside, since we moved away, so I’m not sure how much The Melody Inn resembles Dale Music or how much I changed things around in my imagination to fit the story.


Posted on: December 20, 2009

The Whole Idea of Alice

I was wondering how you got the whole idea of writing the Alice books. What gave you the idea to write it? I think it was genuis of you to. And I’m very glad you worked as hard as you did writing them. I’m hoping to get some alice books of my own this Crhistmas. I’m oretty excited about that.  You are such a wise women. Creative, Talented, Thoughtful, wise, and understanding. Not to mention how great of an author you are!  Thanks a lot.
Happy Holidays!.

Phyllis replied:

I started out just wanting to write one book about a motherless girl who was looking for a role model, a young girl being raised by her dad and older brother.  But so many readers wrote to me asking for more books about Alice, that I decided to start a series, as long as Alice could grow older in each book.   I’m so glad you enjoy them.

Posted on: December 20, 2009


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