Your Questions Answered

Hard to Communicate

hey p….i’ve been ur fan since the 6th grade…..but then i got distracted during the 8th grade but now im obsessed w/ alice all over again…i cant wait till the last book…im readin almost Alice AGAIN..anyways idk wats wrong w/ me. its becoming really hard for me to communicate w/ others…especially w/ boys. im starting to have a low self esteem. its lyk wen i talk to them i feel lyk they r not interested in  me its not tat im ugly or anything lol…..i cant really open up n talk 2 them..i feel lyk i try so hard n they can see it. even wen im chatting w/ them on line….its jss so weird…i use to be confident. it gets me mad cuz i feel lyk i can never have a normal.relationship.  every tym i meet a new person every thing goes well for a while then it stops. and when i say a new person i meant a boy.idk wat to do. can u help me??
Phyllis replied:
I’d bet there are a dozen guys who have the very same problem.   The difference between now and how things used to be–when you didn’t feel so awkward–is that you are probably looking at guys now in a different way.  There was a time a boy was just a boy, you didn’t much care how he felt about you.  Now it’s different.  Whether you see a guy as a potential boyfriend or not, you are probably very eager to make a good impression.  And you may feel the same with girls–you want to belong, to be part of the group–you don’t want them talking about you.  And they can sense you’re trying very hard.  Try to get yourself back in the simple “friendship” mode.  Join a group or a club or a team centered about a certain activity–one that has both guys and girls.  When you’re focusing on something else–doing a project together–it’s so much easier to communicate than when you are trying hard to “make” conversation.
Posted on: July 27, 2009

Reading Your Books Since 5th Grade



i am a huge fan of your Alice book. i am also a writer myself and compete on a team at my school. i would have to say Alice in the know is my favorite book. i have been reading the books since the 5th grade and been in love ever since, and i have gotten many of my friends interested in the books as well.


Phyllis replied:

I’m so glad you enjoy them!


Posted on: July 27, 2009




when does the next book come? i cant wait for it to come out and i hope that it comes out very very soon!!!! i just love your books and i tell all my friends about the alice series and one of friends is going to read them and i hope she likes them as much as i do!!!!


Phyllis replied:

So do I!  The next book comes out in June of 2010.

Posted on: July 27, 2009

You WHAT???



I just wanted to say I love the Alice books so much I would do ANYTHING
to be just like her. She is so cool!! Well, you know how Alice doesn’t
have a mother? Of course you do, you wrote her. Anyway, I think its so
cool to not have a mom just like her. In fact, I JUST KILLED MY MOTHER
TO BE LIKE ALICE. Thank you so much for writing these books and giving
me a role model like Alice. Keep on writing forever!!!! Maybe her dad
could die in the next book? Mine is being really annoying.

Phyllis replied:

Having no mother does not make you problem-free, as you know if you’ve read all the Alice books.  But I’m glad you’re enjoying them.  Please tell me you gave your mom a hug tonight.

Posted on: July 27, 2009

Passing Down the Books to my Sister



I have always been a fan of reading but from the moment I opened up the first Alice book I was hooked. I own every single one, and as more books come out I feel as if I myself am growing up with Alice. You’re latest book touched my heart so deeply. I recently checked it out of the library, I loved it from beginning to end and finished it in a day as I knew I would. however it was the end that got me… I finished the book on 07.19.2009 exactly one year ago from that day my best friend Johnny was killed in a car accident. I had just seen him a couple days before he was fine laughing and joking..and that night he had said to me “Man why do you always hug me like its the last time you’re going to see me, I’ll see you later” but it was the last time I saw him. The way you portray Alice and every one grieving is exactly right. It is the hardest thing to have to do, bury your best friend and go on living knowing he never will.  My summers were consumed with Johnny he was just a part of the crew. Even a year later I’m still dealing with his death, but reading this book made me feel like I wasn’t alone. I know people die…but it was just so hard to deal with this time, but reading this last book made me feel better. I can’t thank you enough for your books, I am an aspiring writer myself and look at you and your books as a role model. Your books have helped me deal with so many things and have taught me so much more. I have already begun passing down the first couple Alice books to my sisters in hopes they get as much out of them as I did.
But more or less thank you for these great stories. I cant get enough.

Phyllis replied:

I really appreciated your letter.  This last book was a difficult one to write, and I still tear up at one of the scenes.  But these things do happen, and it takes time to get over them.  Reading emails like yours makes it all worthwhile.

Posted on: July 27, 2009

Do You Support Gays?



i love alice books. i only read 2 but they were good. i was wondering, do you support gays? because in your book alice sure did. that one of the few things i didnt like about your book.

Phyllis replied:

I support gays and lesbians just as surely as I support heterosexual couples.  I wonder if those who don’t accept sexualities different from their own ever wonder what it would be like to be thrust into a world where they were told they should only love someone of their own sex.  How unnatural that would feel.   Gays and lesbians feel much the same about loving those of the opposite sex.  I don’t believe gays “choose” their lifestyle, and I believe it’s unacceptable to tell them they have to live a sexless life just because they don’t have heterosexual feelings.

Posted on: July 27, 2009




How is your family? Are they as talented as you? I fell in love with your Alice books over the summer of 2009, when I was in the seventh grade going to eight. I recomend this books to all my friends. I could read at lest three books a day non stop, I would get in trouble staying up late reading but that still doesnt stop me. I was sad when Patrick broke up with Alice, but I was happy when Alice found out Patrick would mistaken Penny as Alice. Please I beg you to not stop writing the Alice series. Just curios but how much  fan mail do you get? Also is it really you who answers to the fan mail? Please write back. 


Phyllis replied:

Yes, it’s really me, Phyllis, answering this email.  I personally answer all my emails.  I have a secretary who takes care of most of the regular mail, but she shows me letters written by classes, and sometimes gives me letters that she feels I ought to answer myself.  I don’t keep track of how many letters I get per day.  I just came to my computer tonight after dinner and found 18 Alice emails waiting.  I guess that’s about average.

Posted on: July 27, 2009

A Book in Two Days

i am so glad that there will be another alice book coming out cause i love alice books my sister told me about them like 2years ago and i just finished your last book i can read 1 alice book in 2 days!!!!! i cant wait until alice in charge i can wait pease keep on writing alice books i love them….
Phyllis replied:
I will, I will!  There will be 28 in all. 

Posted on: July 27, 2009

How Many Left?

How many more Alice books will there be after the upcoming Alice in Charge?

Phyllis replied:


Posted on: July 27, 2009

The End is in Sight

Whoops, sorry I wasn’t clear about why I was so stunned that you have three Alice books to go. I meant that I could hardly believe there were ONLY three. I didn’t realize the end was so near in sight.
Phyllis replied:
But it’s not, fortunately, the end of the world!
Posted on: July 27, 2009


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