Your Questions Answered

Alice bible


I remember reading that there was going to be an Alice bible or encyclopedia or something, and at the end of Now I’ll Tell You Everything (which is the best out of all the Alice books in my opinion. I absolutely loved the whole book, even the sad parts.) you also mention it and say it can be accessed through your Alice website. My question is do you have it up yet and how do I find it? I have gone through each of the tabs at the top of the page and can’t find anything about the Alice bible.
Phyllis replied:

I had thought that it was going to go up immediately, but my publisher wanted to make sure it was up-to-date before we printed it.  It should be on the Alice website, hopefully, in the next few weeks.  Both my editor and the copy-editor have been out of the office for other things, but as soon as they get a chance to give it a quick review, it will be available to Alice readers.

Posted on: November 18, 2013

A Beautiful Job of Wrapping Up all the Stories


I just wanted to reach out to you and personally thank you for writing the Alice series. I feel immeasurably lucky to have grown up with this series, and after reading Now I’ll Tell You Everything, it feels as though part of my childhood has ended. I still remember receiving my first Alice book- The Agony of Alice, in an Easter basket, at the impressionable age of 11. I’m 21 now, a senior in college, and for once midterms and papers were not my priority. Spending time with Alice, experiencing the anticipation and flood of emotions while reading the last book was. This book series has undoubtedly had a big impact on my life, and Alice is one of the few fictional characters that I’ve come across that I completely identify with. I am now working on my first novel, and I can only hope that my characters will have the same influence on people as your characters did on me. Thank you for doing such a beautiful job wrapping up the stories of Alice, Patrick, Pamela, Liz, Lester, and all of the others; they will forever live on with me and it will be interesting to go back and reread the series, knowing how everything turned out. Now I’ll Tell You Everything made me laugh, made me sob, and most importantly made me think about what kind of life I want to have. So once again, thank you so much, for letting us readers grow up with Alice, who I consider a very dear friend.

Phyllis replied:
I know.  I often find myself referring to Alice as someone real, laughing at some of the things she did and said, and then feeling embarrassed.  Sort of like a mother enjoying the antics of her child.  Thank you so much for your email.  I’m amazed at the number of women in their twenties and thirties who have followed Alice since they were quite young.  I feel humbled that you would take time from your busy lives to write to me.

Posted on: November 18, 2013



Thank you so much for your Alice series. I got the last book yesterday afternoon and I just finished reading it. I wanted to write to you to let you know how much I enjoyed reading about Alice. I am 28 years old and I’ve been reading the Alice books since I was around 13 years old. Every year I waited for the new book to come out and I was so excited to get this last book, I pre-ordered it in June from Amazon and it’s been torture to wait this long! I own all the books and I look forward to re-reading them again and again, as I have been doing over the years. I have also been sharing them with some of the girls who I mentor through my youth group at my church. I live in Maryland and my church is in Montgomery County so the girls really like reading about Alice and that she visits some of the places they frequent. I do, too!

The saddest part of “Now I’ll Tell You Everything” was when Ben dies, I’m still crying about it (possibly because it happens at the end of the book). My own dad has some health problems and we could lose him at any time, though we don’t consider his death imminent. I love Mr. McKinley and I think he is a fantastic dad, I was so sad when he died.

Lester is my favorite character because I love his wit and sarcasm, he always makes me laugh.

Anyway, I’m sure you get a lot of mail so I don’t want to make this longer than it needs to be. I just wanted to say thank you, so much, for taking the time to write these books because they meant a lot to me.

Do you ever do “Meet the Author” in this area? I would love to meet you someday if it were convenient. I have also read Shiloh and the Hartford & Malloys series — though based on your wikipedia page there are a bunch of new ones I haven’t read yet. Can’t wait to get started!

Thank you so much… and goodbye Alice… I’m sad there won’t be any more books to read about her!

 Phyllis replied:
I occasionally speak in this area–I spoke at the National Book Festival on the Mall in September and also at the Takoma Park Library in October, but don’t have any others planned at the moment.  Thank you so much for your email, however.  I cried when I wrote about  Ben’s death too–one of the many places I cried during the writing of the  Alice series.  It’s wonderful to know that you are sharing the books with other people.  No, there won’t be any more books about Alice, but there are SO many other kinds of books that I want to write!

Posted on: November 18, 2013

Changed My Life

 I have just finished the final Alice book and I feel kind of numb. I spent so much time reading and rereading these books since I was around 8 years old–age 20 now–that I feel like I’ve almost lost a dear friend. I will never get to read a new Alice book again. I think I may actually cry!
  The final book had me in tears several times, but also had me laughing until my face hurt. I guess the greatest paradox is that Alice’s youth, ages 8 to 18, took thirty years to unfold, and the next forty years flew by in the 16 hours it took me to read the last book thoroughly. I was completely shocked that she married Patrick, and a little jealous–because who among us isn’t in love with Patrick?–and also because I feel like nothing in my life will ever work out quite so perfectly. And I feel as if I’ve aged a few decades overnight as well–it’s really been the strangest day, having to wake up and go to classes when I breezed through Alice’s college years in just a few hours.
  I have waited for this moment for so long, but now I almost wish it had never come, because now I have no more new Alice to look forward to. I just wanted to write to you to commend you for taking on an incredible task. I can imagine that it’s extremely emotionally difficult for you to face this moment, though it is exciting to be able to devote more time to life has paused for the past day since the book came out, and I am totally absorbed in Alice. I feel lonesome in the strangest way, missing a friend who never, amazingly, existed in the physical world–but so grateful to have had this literary companionship for the majority of my life in this fine character and wonderful series. Thank you so much for giving this gift to a worldful of young girls and readers of every type. It takes an amazingly gifted writer to put a reader in the half-profound, half-stupefied state I’m in right now. I just feel afraid that my life is going to spin ahead of me as fast as the book did! It’s an existential crisis, really. Alice is comfort. Alice is childhood. Alice suspends time and brings me back to a different time in my life. I am a little girl again when I read these books. I am sorry to ramble on in such a disjointed way but I felt the need to write to you immediately after finishing the book; I knew I could think about nothing else I did. What you have given me has changed my life. Thank you, Phyllis. Thank you so much.
Phyllis replied:
I had a difficult time getting your entire letter on the screen, and had to do it in sections.  My computer ability is in the lowest percentile range, but I hope your email is all there.   Writing the Alice books took me back to my childhood too, and those embarrassing junior high years, then high school, college…..Reviewers have blamed me for squeezing too much into the last book, for not telling enough, but in the end, it can only be Alice’s story as she would tell it, and that’s the way I heard it in my head.  I’m grateful to so many readers who have felt that it was “just right.”

Posted on: November 14, 2013

Cried My Eyes Out

This is maybe my 3rd time writing to you and every time, I am just so honored to do so. I was probably one of the first people to buy the very last installment and finished it in one day. I laughed and above all I cried my eyes out while reading this book. I am such a corn ball! I think it’s finally hitting me that this is it, this is the end of Alice. I felt the same emotions when the Harry Potter chapter of my life closed. I picked up my first Alice book when my 6th grade English teacher recommended it. And I felt special because it was her own copy. I guess she must’ve enjoyed the books as well. But ever since, I never stopped thinking about Alice, because we were growing up at about the same rate. For a while, high school took over but then I guess you can say Alice and I rekindled our friendship and I reread the whole series again. Not so much for a refreshment but just for the pure joy of reading a good book. By then I think 3 more books were already released and ever since, I looked forward to May of every year, because that’s when a new book was due. Except this year but that’s okay! You saved the best for later!  This book was everything that I could imagine.  I do this to myself every time I get a book, I’ll skim to the back and that’s when I cried my eyes out. (You might want to cut out the upcoming part if you plan on sharing this on your website). I wanted to find out if Ben lives on after the end of the book. This last book made me realize that Ben was a lot like a father figure and when Alice was mourning the loss of Ben, I was also mourning his death. These characters are real to me! I’m glad he grew old but this is where I’m a lot like Alice; I wanted him to stick around forever. Alice has truly been a good friend to me and someone that I saw myself in, as I’m sure plenty of other readers have. Trust me when I tell you my life would be so boring if I never picked up an Alice book.  So, thank you. Thank you for being so creative and bringing humor into my life. There has never been a dull moment when I’m reading these books.

I live in the good ole New York City. It would be such an honor to see you at a book signing one day.
Phyllis replied:
I wish I could sign in every part of the country, but perhaps NYC will be on my list some day.  My own life would have been a bit boring if I hadn’t written the  Alice books, so I know how you feel.  Thank you so much for taking the time to write to me.  I cried a lot too when I wrote the series, especially the last book.

Posted on: November 14, 2013

Have Followed Alice Since I was Eleven!


I am almost 25 and have kept up with the Alice books since I was 11. I have never read a series that I can relate to. I work in the Laurel area and smile every time I pass their local diner and think Alice, Liz and Pamela must be in there. Silly, but true! I had the day off today and read the entire final book in 6 hours. I laughed and cried so much. I never write “celebrities because I think it is silly. But I felt this was a case in which I had to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this series. I look forward to rereading over and over and passing them to my little girls one day.

Phyllis replied:

I would have to say that these are some of my favorite emails–the ones from readers who have followed the series since they were young themselves.  Plus all my younger fans who have read the whole 28 books, almost in one gulp.  You are all wonderful for taking time to write to me, and I really treasure your emails.

Posted on: November 14, 2013


To all my readers: 

I’m home now from the book tour and trying to answer a few of your emails at a time, as my desk is piled high.  It was such a pleasure for me to meet so many of you in person, and there are all those favorite memories.  I won’t try to list them all for fear I’d leave one out, but some of you drove such distances to meet me, and had wonderful stories about how you came to read the Alice series.  I’m gratified that the majority of you were pleased with the final book and came in person to tell me so.  Thank you again for being such loyal fans.

Posted on: November 12, 2013

A Wonderful Ending


Thank you so much for writing the Alice series. I have been reading the books since I was in fourth grade and have adored every one of them! I love your books so much because they are so realistic and I think every girl (or woman !) finds something in Alice that reminds her much of herself.  I have just finished reading your last Alice book and enjoyed every page of it. It has been such a treat looking forward to reading the next book that it is sad for me, and I’m sure for all your fans, that this is the very last book. However, it had a wonderful ending and I will never forget the Alice series and will keep on re-reading the books, maybe even to my own daughter when I grow up.

Again, thank you so much for the Alice books!! I have always been such a big fan of you and Alice!:-)

Phyllis replied:

It’s been gratifying for me to know that so many fans were satisfied with the final book.  There were many different ways that the main characters could have chosen to live their lives, and I could only go by what I felt was most real.  I’m really happy that you enjoyed the last book.

Posted on: November 12, 2013

Could You Read My Book?

I can’t believe I’m actually emailing an author! It’s awesome. I am a huge book fan, and will read every book in the library. Last year, in fourth grade, picking up my very first Alice book was liking picking up gold. The first one I read was Alice In Between, which I think is the very best Alice book, next to Alice In Lace. Alice, Pamela, and Elizabeth seem to real that I feel I could just see Benjamin McKinley in the phone book if I looked it up.  I have read books #2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11, 12, and 13.
As a huge reader, I write my own books and was wondering if I could send one to you, for maybe you to read? It would mean so much to me, it really would. It would be my biggest dream come true.

Phyllis replied:
I wish I could read every book and story and poem that readers would like me to read, but it’s impossible.  I’m so swamped with work of my own.  I’m so glad that you’ve enjoyed the Alice books so much.  You still have many more to read!

Posted on: November 12, 2013

Another Series?

I was just wondering if you were ever going to write another series like the alice ones? because i know everybody loves them just as much as i do but we know they have to come to a finish. so just wondering if you were planning to or write anything similar to it.
btw’s you’re my most favorite author EVER!!!!!!
Phyllis replied:
I certainly don’t plan to write any series that takes me another 28 years!  Right now I’m concentrating on single books that have been in my head for a long time.  But I’m happy to know you loved the Alice books so much!

Posted on: November 12, 2013


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