Your Questions Answered

Meet Phyllis Reynolds Naylor THIS MONTH!


Dear Friends of Alice,

Phyllis’s publishing team here with an exciting announcement: Phyllis Reynolds Naylor is going on tour this month! You can see the list of cities she’ll be visiting and her schedule of bookstore appearances and events by clicking here, or on the “Alice Tour 2013″ tab at the top of this page. Please come and celebrate the final book in the Alice series with us—Phyllis can’t wait to meet you in person!

Posted on: October 8, 2013

Proud of Who I Am Now

I am pretty sure I would be a different person if I had not read the Alice books six years ago. As I am taking AP Literature this year, we talked  about how fiction is so important, when everyone is debating that non-fiction  is more important. But really, there’s nothing like sympathizing, and getting  to know a character lie your own sister. The characterization of Alice over the years will always be like a real friend to me when I look back; her ups and downs, her funny and awkward moments, the problems with her parents, etc. I have leaned so much about growing up and being myself. And I’m proud of who I am now.

Thank you SO much for writing a series that have not only made me feel so much better, but have inspired me as well. I remember getting an autographed poster years ago, and I’ll always remember how happy I was! Hopefully I will be able to see you on your book tour!
Phyllis replied:

I would love to see you!  I would also love to see the hundreds and hundreds of readers who have written to me over the years–even given me ideas for the Alice series.  My first stop will be the  Takoma Park Library, Takoma Park Maryland on Tuesday, October 15th at 7:30.  The newest, and final, book of the Alice series, NOW I’LL TELL YOU EVERYTHING, will be on sale, or you may bring your own books for autographing.

Posted on: October 8, 2013

Okay to Start Here?

Is it okay to start reading I like him he likes her, without reading all the other books before?
Phyllis replied:

Of course!  Read and enjoy!

Posted on: October 8, 2013

Even More Alice

I’m twenty-six years old, and it’s been a long time since I’ve read an “Alice” book. I was, however, thinking of dear Alice just yesterday and how truly grateful I am for your series. Alice got me through those dreadful pre-teen years and I clung to those stories, finding solace in the pages.

It seems you’ve written even more Alice books since then and I think that’s wonderful! Every young girl should read your novels and have an opportunity to find a friend in Alice.

I sincerely thank you. Alice books are one of my favorite memories about growing up. I’ll always be a fan!

Phyllis replied:
Indeed, I’ve been busy, and yes, there are 28 books in all, the very last one coming out next Monday!

Posted on: October 8, 2013

Meet Phyllis Reynolds Naylor!


Dear Friends of Alice,

Phyllis’s publishing team here with an exciting announcement: Phyllis Reynolds Naylor is going on tour in October! You can see the list of cities she’ll be visiting and her schedule of bookstore appearances and events by clicking here, or on the “Alice Tour 2013” tab at the top of this page. Please come and celebrate the final book in the Alice series with us—Phyllis can’t wait to meet you in person!

**Please note the new date and location of the event in Eugene, OR**

Oct. 27 – 3:00 PM

Barnes & Noble

1163 Valley River Center

Eugene, OR 97401

Posted on: September 27, 2013

National Book Festival Photos



Thanks to everyone who came out to see Phyllis at the National Book Festival on Saturday! She loved meeting all of you!

Posted on: September 27, 2013

Meet the Author of the Alice Series!


Dear Friends of Alice,

Phyllis’s publishing team here with an exciting announcement: Phyllis Reynolds Naylor is going on tour in October! You can see the list of cities she’ll be visiting and her schedule of bookstore appearances and events by clicking here, or on the “Alice Tour 2013” tab at the top of this page. Please come and celebrate the final book in the Alice series with us—Phyllis can’t wait to meet you in person!

Posted on: September 26, 2013

Any More Cities on your Tour?

I see that your are doing an Alice Tour, and I was wondering if the locations posted on the website were all the stops, or if more will be added. (Particularly in the Toronto area?) I’d love a chance to meet you and thank you in person for sharing Alice’s life with us.
Phyllis replied:
And I so wish that I could meet you.  It’s going to be wonderful to meet so many fans on this trip.  I’ve met some of you before when I was speaking in various parts of the country, but this is two weeks devoted to meeting Alice fans.  Because authors are usually given only two weeks for a tour–much more would be exhausting–locations are frequently grouped in a few major parts of the country so that authors aren’t spending most of their time in the air.  We started this tour in Maryland, then a few locations in the Midwest, and a few more on the West Coast.  We will be adding a few schools to the list, but these will be determined later and are usually sponsored by bookstores.

Posted on: September 26, 2013

Why No Sports?

I am so excited for the final Alice book! 😀 I know it’s going to be so amazing, just like all of the Alice books. I have not grown up with Alice, but she has definitly inspired me. I am 12 years old at the moment and want to be an author when i get older. I also would like to be a singer if possible but one of my dreams are to be an author. I love writing stories about girls like me, lots of people have told me, i am gifted! Haha, just kidding! but i just love love love literature!! it’s so crazy fun doing!! I am also a gymnast, why didnt alice do any sports? thats one of my questions and heres another: I know everyone asks but can you plz give us one tiny winy hint? It could be just a simple yes or no. Will it stay Alice in Patrick, will sam or tony come back in the picture? I know were all wondering this! What about Mitch?! Anyway thank you so much for writting such relatively, wonderful stories!!
Phyllis replied:
Alice didn’t get involved in any sports because I never was, and didn’t feel I knew enough about being on a team to write authentically about it.  As far as hints, no more!  You only have about two weeks to wait, and the book will be OUT!   October 15th.  Circle it on your calendar!

Posted on: September 26, 2013

First Time

I’ve never written to an author before, no matter how much I loved the books. Therefore, this is my first time. I came across, “the agony of Alice” in 7th grade. It was the perfect timing for me bc I was in my awkward stage. Not many friends, embarrassing moments and feeling alone. Books were my shelter. Am I glad I came across your books. Im 25 now, and let me tell you, when I go to a library the first thing I ask for is if you’ve written any more books in the series. To my luck I always find one. Every time I become nostalgic and go back to those days. I would hole up in my room and read.
Now that I’m hoping to have a family soon, I’ve started collecting the series so one day my daughter could read these and grow with Alice. Her moments, feelings and confusions made me feel like I wasn’t alone. And I hope every girl feels like that once she reads your books.
Thank you. Thank you for helping me grow up. For helping me escape the loneliness.
I’ll never forget the day I checked out that book, not knowing that 13 years later I’d still be appreciating it.


Phyllis replied:

I’m so grateful to you for taking time to write to me.  I just love hearing from twenty-somethings who started reading the Alice series many years ago.  Perhaps writing the books helped me deal with the memories of my own embarrassing moments, the truly stupid things I’d said and done.  If the books have helped other girls deal with their own humiliating moments, I’m extra glad that I wrote the series.

Posted on: September 26, 2013


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