Your Questions Answered

Any other Alice Movies?


Hello I’m 13 years old I started reading your books when I was around 9 or 10 and I would like to now if you are thinking about making these into movies, I am just in love with your books, and I loved Alice Upside Down, when I first saw it on the T.V. I was so happy and I was telling my mom how this is about my favorite book series and I kept looking online to see if there was any other but to my disappointment there wasn’t any. If you are thinking of making this a movie I would be so excited. Keep me updated please 🙂

Phyllis replied:

The only way I can update you on books or movies is on this website.  I really can’t notify individual readers about each new project or event.  To date, Alice Upside Down is the only movie made of an Alice book, and this one is only loosely based on The Agony of Alice.  But I really do appreciate your writing to me, and telling me how much you enjoy the series.  I know you are going to love the final book coming out this fall, Always Alice– everything you ever wanted to know about Alice and her friends.

Posted on: March 4, 2013

How Does Censorship Affect You?


Hello,  I  am creating an honours project for Estella Mountain Community College. The purpose of my honours project is to see if there is a correlation on “The Effect of Gender on Censoring Authors”. I have a couple of questions I would like to ask you. I know you are busy with writing books and have speaking engagements, so I will be brief.

Phyllis replied:

I’m going to post your questions and my answers together below:

1. Have you seen a drop or an increase in censorship since you have been writing?

For me personally, there has been a drop, mainly because the books that caused the most uproar,  Shiloh and the Alice books in which she was in her early teens, were new to the public.  As Shiloh became well known in libraries and classrooms, censorship dropped off quite a bit, though I still get letters occasionally about the two “swear” words. Parents and teachers of older students rarely protest the content.

2. Do you believe that gender plays a role in censorship, either by the author or by the censurer?

I’m only guessing, but I would assume that more protests come from women than from men.  The majority of teachers in elementary and middle school are probably female–same for librarians–and as for parents, I’m trying to remember how many critical letters I’ve received from a dad.  Only one, possibly two.  All or most of the others have come from mothers, angry that I have written about sex before they had “the talk” with their daughters, or insisting that their daughters don’t have sexual thoughts.  Dads, on the other hand, commend me for broaching the subject with their children.

3. Do you believe that your gender has saved you or hurt you while publishing?

Neither.  I don’t think that either my editor or my readers treat me any differently than their male authors.  I’m allowed the same freedom in my writing, and readers let me know when they disagree with something.

Posted on: March 4, 2013

What are the Next Books in the Alice Series?


Are there any more Alice books that will come out before the last book?

Phyllis replied:

Yes, yes, yes!  Here’s the answer.  Please write down the titles and dates and share them with  your friends.

YOU AND ME AND THE SPACE IN BETWEEN will be released on May 14th of this year.  This is the fat paperback bind-up book, containing the three books of Alice’s senior year of high school:  Alice in Charge, Incredibly Alice, and Alice on Board.  For $9.99, you get all three books.  Here’s the confusing part:  the cover of this fat paperback book will be the same as the hardcover edition of Alice on Board.

ALWAYS ALICE will be released on August 27 of this year. This is the last and final book of the Alice series, and will be twice as long as the usual Alice books.  It will take Alice from age 18 to 60.  I believe it will answer ALL your questions about everybody.

Posted on: February 25, 2013

Can I Ever Get the Chance to Meet You?


I live in North Carolina and wonder if U ever come here for book signings and things because I would like to meet you very much.  please let me know if you will be coming.

Phyllis replied:

I’m planning on doing some more speaking and signing, probably this fall, but I don’t know yet where I will be.  I’ll post the dates and locations on this web page when I know the exact dates.

Posted on: February 25, 2013

A Longer Alice Book, Please!


Hello, I love your Alice books soooo much!! I just wanted to ask if, you are going to make anymore? I’m ordering “Intensely Alice” I know there is a “Alice on Board” but it is very small and I read very fast…. In advance can you please tell me if there is anymore Alice books on the way I really love them.  PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,WRITE ME BACK I AM A VERY BIG FAN!!!!! 🙂 😉

Phyllis replied:

You’ll be happy to know that the final book in the Alice series, Always Alice, will be around 500 pages long. Congratulations on being such a fast reader.

Posted on: February 25, 2013

The Final Book


I read all the Alice books, at least twice per book. So now you say that there is another one coming out. Do you know know what day the book is coming out in stores? Also in the book, do Alice and Patrick get married?

Phyllis replied:

The final book, Always Alice, will be published this fall, but I don’t have an exact date yet.  And you know I can’t tell you whether Alice marries Patrick, or even whether she decides on marriage at all.  But the last book will tell you everything!

Posted on: February 20, 2013

Please Don’t Make Alice 60!


Please don’t make Alice 60 in the least book (sad to hear it’s final BTW) Come on she is 18 and once in 3rd grade, it’ll ruin the whole series! And what fun is it to write about a grandma? Is she going to be 6o through the WHOLE book!??????????? She can’t be!!!! Please maybe 30 or 40, before it’s published, but remember I’m not making u. But I do love Alice and I’m looking forward to Always Alice.

Phyllis replied:

Relax.  Take a deep breath.  The final book will be around 500 pages long, and Alice starts out at 18, goes through college, goes through her 20’s, her 30’s, her 40’s and 50’s.  There is a LOT happening, so you won’t want to miss any of it!

Posted on: February 20, 2013



I have been a huge fan of the Alice books ever since I was in grade school. I pretty much grew up with Alice and the gang. It was the series that really impassioned me for reading from a young age. I’m 26 years old now and in law school doing human rights work all over the world, yet my fiancé teases me for sneaking off with the kindle to read the latest Alice books.  I just wanted to express my appreciation for your work (the Alice series and others). I know that your books must touch other children, my generation and the ones after mine, in significant ways.

Phyllis replied:

I hear from a lot of other twenty-something women who still sneak off to read the Alice books, and I’m delighted.  Thanks so much for taking time to write to me!

Posted on: February 20, 2013

Always Alice: One-word Hint


Hi Mrs. Naylor 🙂 I’m 11 years old and from Memphis, Tennessee. I have grew  up with Alice. I have read all of the Alice books, I love her like a sister and a best friend. Alice means so much to me. Thank you so much for creating her. I just wish they would make another movie. You are the best author in the world, I’m serious. I can’t wait for Always Alice. Can you give us a hint? Just a one word hint? Like you did for Alice on board you said: Mitch. So thanks so much for everything!!

Phyllis replied:

A one-word hint?  Here it is:  Oklahoma.

Posted on: February 20, 2013

Why write an Alice “series?”


I am 13 years old. I was just reading through the Alice website looking at comments and that’s when i thought “what made her write the Alice series?” Perhaps you could answer this question. By the way I am SO excited for the last Alice book “Always Alice” even if I’m a little sad considering it will be the last book. I have read all of the Alice books and Alice really and truly feels like one of my best friends and it’s heart wrenching to see her go but, all good things must come to an end. Alice has taught me so much since i started reading the books. The Alice series will always be my favourite series I’m sure.

Phyllis replied:

I didn’t start out to write a series.  I just wanted to write a book about a motherless girl looking for a role model, and then readers and reviewers asked for more.  I’m so glad you enjoy the Alice books.

Posted on: February 20, 2013


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