Your Questions Answered

Unique and Interesting

I know you get emails like this all the time, but I just had to express my gratitude and appreciation towards the Alice series. I am going into my junior year of high school, and I started reading the books 3 years ago, I have read every book, and now have even started my younger, sister on reading them. You have done something that no other author could do. J.K Rowling, brought magic to make her book series interesting, Stephenie Meyer created mystical characters. But you created an ordinary very relate able character, and put her in an ordinary and again relate able environment, and have found a way to keep 27 books interesting, unique and entertaining! Though you are no longer a teenager, you still have been able to give Alice very relate able and teenagerish experiences I and as i’m sure you know many other teenage girls, really appreciate what you have done, and are all sad to see the Alice series near the end. I think you are an incredible author, and I am amazed by the work you have done with the Alice series. So to sum up everything, Thank You so much, for your time and dedication to Alice, for 28 years. 

Phyllis replied:

Thank you so much.  It’s comments like yours that have kept the series going.  I hope you will be especially satisfied with the final book coming out in the fall of 2012, “Always Alice.”

Posted on: July 12, 2012

Book suggestions


I have been reading the Alice series for about four years, and I absolutely love the books. Some of my other favorite books are: 

40 Things I Want To Tell You (Alice Kulpers)
Delirium (Lauren Oliver)
The Juvie Three (Gordon Korman)
Anything But Normal (Melody Carlson)
Speak (Laurie Halse Anderson)
Just Like That (Marsha Qualey)
The Chosen One (Carol Lynch Williams)
Hold Still (NIna Lacour)
North of Beautiful (Justina Chen Headley)
Birthday Blues (Anne Cassidy)
Some of my favourite authors are:
-Sarah Dessen (Her books focus on the life’s of teenagers. I would suggest reading her books in order from when they were written because some of the characters reappear in other books although it is not a series. Her first book was my least favourite, but they do get better.)
-Lurlene McDaniel (Her books are mainly about terminal illnesses, and can be sad at times. I have read almost all of her books and have loved them. Some of her best books are: Don’t Die My Love, Hit and Run, and Letting Go of Lisa. All of her series are very good)

I hope you like some of these books as much as I did. 

Phyllis replied:

Thanks for your suggestions.  These may help other readers looking for good books to while away the summer days.

Posted on: July 12, 2012

Plug on Blog


Hi Phyliss!  I just wanted to tell you that I absolutely adore your books!  I’ve been reading them since the 5th grade and I just now graduated.  I learned almost everything about growing up.  Apparently a lot of people agree with me since there is a Sparklife article written about the series! I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of Sparklife, but it is a blog written by the people of Sparknotes.  I thought you’d like to know so I’m providing you with the link –  I’m so excited for the next book!

Phyllis replied:

Thanks for letting me know.  I don’t keep up with blogs and tweets and t witters because I need all the hours of the day (and sometimes night) to keep writing books and answering mail. I did check this one out, however, and it’s a nice plug for the Alice books.  Other readers might also find it interesting.  Thanks for sending.

Posted on: July 12, 2012

Can’t Believe It’s Over

Hey!(: I’ve read all of Alice’s high school experiences and absolutely fell in love! I skimmed through the books so fast, and i just finished Alice On Board and I’m so sad. After I finished I had so many questions and wanted to know her life in college. I really hope you can write more with her college experiences and her after life. Maybe she will marry Patrick and have kids and travel the world with him, or maybe she and Mitch will catch up again.. I really want to know what she will do next, I’m so happy for her but at the same time, my heart aches because I can’t believe it’s really over. You’re hands down one of my favorite authors, you’re so talented and I love your books! (: I really do hope you write more, because they help me get through school and I want to learn about college experiences and how it feels to have a roommate. Thank you again for writing the amazing series, and I really hope you do write more of the Alice series because so many people love them like I do, thank you again.
Phyllis replied:
Hey!  It’s NOT over.  There’s a big fat final book coming out next year, “Always Alice,” that will be at least 500 pages, I think.  I’m still working on it, and the publisher has now scheduled it for fall of 2013, not spring.  It will answer all your questions, whether the way you want things to turn out or not, but I think that most readers will be happy for Alice.  And yes, it also deals with college roommates.
Posted on: July 12, 2012

Gives me Guidelines on what to do


I started reading the Alice books when I was ten I am eleven now. My mom has asked me doesn’t it feel weird reading about older girls but I said no because it gives me guide lines and what to do and not to do. The Alice series has helped me give advice for myself and others. Have you ever considered doing a movie for Alice? I was reading one of the books on an airplane and I forgot what I was reading but I started bursting out in laughter and everyone looked at me, and ten minutes later I let out a small screech (Or what i consider small!)
My dad is an alcoholic and so it feels like hes dead, my mom divorced him when I was young so I feel like I am both Pam Liz And Alice!
If you reply I will be the happiest eleven year old!

Phyllis replied:

Okay, you are now the happiest eleven year old!   One movie has been made, a producer’s version of ‘The Agony of Alice.”  They titled it “Alice Upside Down,” and you can get it on DVD.  I like the actress who played  Alice, and Lester has his moments, but they changed some of the other characters, so you really need to approach the movie as something quite apart from the Alice books you know.   I’m really glad to know that the Alice books have been so helpful to you.  Thanks for writing to me.

Posted on: July 12, 2012



Hey! I absolutely love your books. I have read everyone that you have out and i only started them nine months ago. I was wondering if you had any suggestions of books that you like to read that you could give to me and to the other fans of yours out there in the world. If you have any, can you please tell me? Thanks.


Phyllis replied:

I’ll let my readers respond to this one.  For those who have loved the Alice books, what other books might these people enjoy just as much?

Posted on: June 26, 2012

Absolutely Loved Every Single Book

I’ve been reading the Alice Series since I was in the third grade.  I just turned twenty two and came across the series again with the high school years bundled together.  I’ve spent the last month reading and catching up on all of Alices high school experiences and her summer before college in Alice on Board.  I absolutely loved every single book and I feel like I’ve grown up with Alice, Elizabeth, and Pamela.  I’m sad and a bit nervous about not being able to read about Alices college years the same way.  I know how much I’ve learned, experienced, and grown in my college experience and I like how in some way or another I can still relate to any one of the girls, but mainly Alice.  I know I became spoiled this summer with reading book after book, and now learning I have to wait a year for the final book that sums everything up is going to torture me until it’s release date.  I know it will be a book I buy at midnight on my e-reader and wont put it down until it’s finished and I know how it all ends after all these years.  I know this must be a book you’ve been thinking about for years.  It can’t be easy ending such a long and loved series but I trust you will give Alice the goodbye she deserves.  I hope one day I have a daughter and have the opportunity to share the Alice Series with her and she falls in love with the sereis as I did years ago.
Thank you for writing a series so relateable and truthful of growing up!
*Fingers crossed for Alice and Patrick!!*
Phyllis replied:
Yes, this last book is a book I’ve been thinking about for years, that has been revised, edited, added to, subtracted from, and who knows how long it will be by the time it reaches my editor in about a month.  It will be hard for me to say goodbye to Alice when the time comes, but she’ll be in good hands.

Posted on: June 26, 2012

My Best Friend


I have been reading the Alice books since I was young. I am 18 now and I cry at each book because Alice. Alice is myself, is my mom, is my sister and my friends. She is that best friend I couldn’t live without. I know its been a journey for you writing these, but I thank you endlessly.


Phyllis replied:

It’s been a wonderful journey for me, and well worth the time just to hear from readers like you.  Thank you so much

for writing to me.

Posted on: June 26, 2012

So Sad the Series is Ending


When I was 10 years old I checked out The Agony of Alice from my school’s library and immediately fell in love with Alice McKinley. I was a curious, young girl who had all these questions but was too shy to ask them. I felt like Alice was experiencing all the same things I was and I felt like I finally had somebody to relate to. I discovered a couple of years later that there were more Alice books! I impatiently waited for each book to come back to the library so I could catch up on Alice’s life. My parents surprised me with the whole set for Christmas that year and every Spring I wait impatiently for the next book to reach the stores.

When I first learned that you were going to write three books for each year of Alice’s life, up until she was 18, I can remember thinking, “Wow I am going to be 26 when that last book comes out!” I turn 26 next year and I can’t believe that the time has come for my favorite book series to end. As I read the last pages of Alice on Board tears came to my eyes knowing that it was almost over. I feel like I am losing a friend. I grew up with Alice and I am so saddened when I think about reading that last book.

I had the honor of meeting you 6 or 7 years ago at a book signing you had in Bethesda. My mom was gracious enough to drive me up from North Carolina. I hope you know how much these books have shaped my life. I can’t wait for the day when I have a daughter of my own and can give her your series of books to read. I look forward to discussing each book with her and reliving Alice’s life all over again.

Hope you are having a wonderful day!

Phyllis replied:

Your letter means a lot to me.  I can hardly believe I’m at the age where the series is ending too!   Or that I took the risk, 28 years ago, to “promise” my readers a series lasting 28 years.  Most of you know, however, that I wrote the very last book in the series many years ago and put it in a fireproof box so that if I were ever run over by a bread truck, readers would know how the story ends.  It’s that manuscript now that I’m working on, which needed a lot of revisions and additions and polishing before I’d ever want it to be published, but the plot is the same.  I hope you’ll feel it’s been worth the wait when it comes out now in the fall of 2013.  Thank you for being such a faithful reader, and especially for your email.

Posted on: June 26, 2012

Loved the Idea of the Cruise Ship

My sister and I finished Alice on Board! We both couldn’t put it down
and wouldn’t be bothered until we finished. Is the next one the last
one? So hard to believe. I feel like they’re friends I’ve grown up
with! I always thought working on a cruise ship would be so much
fun…. now I’m not as sure, hahah. Especially after that huge
disaster with that Italian ship not too long ago, too! Crazy. I loved
your whole idea for that, what a fun setting to put the girls in.
We both liked Mitch. Are you hinting that this is the end for
Alice and Patrick? Guess we’ll have to wait and see. Waiting for the
next one is the hard part.


Phyllis replied:

I’m so glad you enjoyed “Alice on Board”.  A LOT happens in the last book, which will now come out in the fall of next year, not the spring.  It will be a much longer book.



Posted on: June 21, 2012


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