Your Questions Answered

I’ve read all the books in order



I just started reading your Alice books when I found them on an Internet
website for the blind a few months ago, and I’ve read all the way from
Starting with Alice to Incredibly Alice in order. I can’t wait for the
next books to come out! Alice helps me through many of the hard times I
have. Even though I’m almost fifteen, even reading the books about when
she was little help me to get through the day. I have read the whole
series about five times. I just want to thank you for writing the Alice
books. They’ve really helped me to realize what’s important in life. I
realize that if Alice can get by without a mother, I can get through the
problems I have. I also read the Shiloh trilogy and am reading The Dark
of the Tunnel at the moment. My favorite book in the series would have
to be the one where Liz, Gwen, Pamela, and Alice go to Camp Overlook to
be counselors. My favorite two characters are Lester and Pamela, because
Lester reminds me of my brother, Wade, and Pamela reminds me of myself.
Well, I’m glad that I could write to you, even if you can’t get back to
me. I just want to thank you again. Your books get me through everything
when no one else can!!! To me, Alice has become a real person. Also,
your books inspire me to follow my biegest dream which is to become a
writer. Thanks again!


Phyllis replied:

It sounds as though you read all the books in a relatively short span of time, one after another.  You must have felt you grew up right along with Alice!   I’m glad you were able to find them all.  Thanks so much for writing to me, and best wishes for your own desire to be a writer.

Posted on: September 20, 2011

German Translation of Alice

I’m from Munich, Germany and there is a huge library available. Time ago I’ve read ‘The Grooming of Alice’ German edition. Some time later I noticed that there are a few original copies and was astonished to find some text passages I’ve never heard (read) of.
The changes from English to German are remarkable. Sometimes it seems to be a story rewritten not translated – and (that’s the reason I’m telling this) for the worst not the better.
Two examples:
“Voll in Form, Alice”, Loewe Verlag, page 135:
“Im Bad herrschte Stille. Als wir nach einigen Minuten noch immer nichts von Elisabeth gehört hatten, überlegten wir, ob sie vor Schreck vielleicht in Ohnmacht gefallen war und unsere Hilfe benötigte. Doch schließlich wurde die Tür geöffnet. Auf Elisabeths Stirn glänzten Schweißperlen, aber sie hatte den triumphierenden Blick einer Frau, die gerade die Welt erobert hat.”
Badly translated in english again:
“Silence in the bathroom. After we’ve heard nothing from Elizabeth for some minutes we thought she might has fainted from horror and needed our help. But finally the door was opend. Elisabeths forehead was wet with perspiration but she had the triumphant look of a woman who has conquered the world.”
Original: “The Grooming of Alice”, page 129:
“There was silence from the bathroom. Then Elizabeth’s faint voice. “Do I take the paper off first or what?” We all looked at each other. “Take the paper and insert it,” ordered Pamela, her mouth to the door. “Which end?” “Not the end with the string, for heavens’s sake. You have to pull it out again, remember,” I said. “It won’t go in,” Elizabeth whimpered. “It just goes halfway and stops.” Mark and Brian opened the back door and peered cautiously inside. “Push, Elizabeth, push!” Karen was saying. “Is she having a baby?” Mark joked. “Elizabeth, will you hurry? They think you’re in labor,” I called as the boys went out again. There was silence, and at last the door opened. Elizabeth was holding the empty cylinder in her hand and her forehead was wet with perspiration. But she had the triumphant look on her face of a woman who has conquered the universe.”
In the german book I couldn’t understand the triumphant look. Your story has been rewritten. And I’m sorry for this.
There are many minor changes but some greater too. So, just for your information.
I’m really looking forward reading your books although I’m a grown-up.
Phyllis replied:
Wow!  I had no idea!   Thanks for letting our readers know!  
Posted on: September 20, 2011

Early Dating


I began reading your Alice series in 3rd grade, and the first one I ever read was The Agony of Alice and completely fell in love. I wasn’t even sure what getting your period was when I first read it! But then when 5th grade came around I definitely knew what it was….Anyway, I am now in 8th grade, and of course dating…kissing…all that is happening. I have many people who are my friends, but there are two people who are my truest friends. We can call one of them, Carrey, well Carrey and I have known each other since first grade. We met each other at a summer camp and hit it off completely. And then she attended my elementary and we were on and off friends until 5th grade and became best friends and it’s been that way since. Now, the other one we can call Mark, Mark and I met more than a year ago and became friends. There was even a time where he had more than friend feelings for me and maybe they were some what mutual. But we never acted on it, and then we became best friends. He of course became friends with all my other friends as well, including Carrey but him and I were always closer than anyone else. Now this school year, Kelly tells me she likes Mark. I am not surprised because Carrey likes everyone. But then three weeks later Mark calls me telling me he’s developing feelings for Carrey and finds out she likes him as well. But yet Mark likes another girl, whom he had already dated, more than he likes Carrey. But then Mark and I were sitting in wood shop together and he says, “I asked Carrey out before school today.” Mark had already told me he wasn’t going to ask Carrey out, so I was shocked. I hadn’t spoken to Carrey yet that day, so I didn’t know if what he was saying was true or not. “Yeah right” was my response but then our friend who we can call Mike said, “he’s serious, I saw the whole thing.” My heart plummeted. I hadn’t wanted them to date because I knew how different they were and how after they broke up, I’d be forced to choose sides, and I already knew who I’d pick. Maybe I over reacted, but I started to cry. It was completely embarrassing, it was right in wood shop in front of my classmates, but I couldn’t help the quiver in my lip. I told Mark to get away from me and that I didn’t want to talk to him. But then he said, “no don’t cry! I was kidding, nothing like that happened. I’m sorry.” I didn’t believe him and then Mike said, “I was just playing around to, nothing happened.” And I spoke to Carrey later who said she hadn’t spoken to him all day. But….how can I accept this?? I hate listening to her talk about him, and I know soon enough I’ll begin to feel like a third wheel.


Phyllis replied:

When guys and girls first begin to date, there’s a lot more talk than there is action.  And the couple doesn’t just talk to each other.  They talk to their friends, and they try out ideas in words.  Who is dating whom, who likes whom, who likes him back, on and on and on…  Feelings are perpetually hurt and people get their hopes up….  It’s a difficult time, and all I can really tell you is that we’ve all been through it.  Emotions are so very close to the surface, and it’s possible that part of the reason you were crying is that you probably still have feelings for Mark yourself.  You hear all this talk about his liking other girls, and you are beginning to feel left out.  Perhaps he is testing you to see if you still like him.  I  hope you will just take a deep breath and see what happens in real life, despite all the talk.  Things get easier, and a bit more private, as people start feeling more sure of themselves.

Posted on: September 17, 2011

Rivers and Oceans

Hey, I was just wondering, why do Alice and her dad always say,’Rivers and Oceans’?
phyllis replied:


It was just something they started when she was small, each trying to outdo each other with how much love they had to give.  One would say, “I love you rivers,” and the other would say, looking for something bigger, “I love you oceans.”   They probably began with creeks and streams!


Posted on: September 17, 2011

Dad’s Pornography

I don’t know what to do. I’m freaking out right now. You’re the only person I can talk about this to, which I know isn’t very good, but I just need to talk to somebody.
Today I needed to Google Map directions so I logged onto my dad’s desktop, the only one in my house with a printer, and when I turned it on the first thing I saw was a porn site. I started just sort of shaking and then I checked the history and there’s a DATING site in there. There wasn’t anything except for the main homepage, but still. There was some more pornography too. 
I just don’t know what to do. I had a few suspicions — a few days ago it was very late at night and I heard him going into the computer room, and when I went in to ask him what he was doing, he had minimized the page he was on. I just denied it. 
But now I know. For sure. And it scares me. I mean, my dad is happily married and over 40 years old, and he lives with his 14 year old daughter! Don’t guys get over this before now? 
I’m just so creeped out. How will I even look at my dad? And remember, it wasn’t an invasion of privacy: I opened the computer to that page.
God, I’m just terrified. Of what? I don’t know. But I am.
Please help.
Phyllis replied:

It’s always scary and confusing when we find out something about our parents that we didn’t expect.  We need to remember, however, that each of us has private thoughts we would never share with anyone else.  Each of us has dreams, sometimes, that shock us.  Or we have sexual fantasies that excite us, but we would never want to repeat in real life.  For some people, even happily married people, looking at pornography together adds a certain oomph to their sex life, especially among older men who may need more stimulation.  One of the problems with pornography, however, is that it often demeans women, and photographs them in positions that men themselves would not want to be photographed in.  Also, it keeps upping the level of excitement necessary for pleasure, that would be difficult to replicate in real life.  The fact that your dad does it in private probably means that he has reservations about it too.  I would be more concerned with his contacting dating websites.  If this continues to haunt you, I would not approach your mom.  I would speak to your dad in private, simply by telling him how you came upon the information, that it frightens you because you wonder about the marriage, and ask his reassurance that things are OK between him and your mom.  You are not asking him to stop, you are not preaching at him, you are simply voicing your concerns about the stability of your family, but beyond that, whatever he does in private is really his business.


Posted on: September 17, 2011

Alice as an Adult

I would just like to start out by saying how amazing the Alice books are. Alice is someone that every girl can relate to; she has many of the same insecurities we do. I started reading your books when I was around 10, and I still love them. I’ve gotten both my mom and my 17-year old MALE cousin hooked. It is evident that you put hours upon hours of thought into each book, and I, as well of hundreds of other readers, will always love Alice. Please don’t stop writing the Alice books. Maybe other readers wouldn’t find it interesting for Alice to become an adult, but I think you could find some way of making it interesting. (Here are some ideas: “Alice at the Gas Pump”, “Over-The-Hill Alice”, and “Alice in Retirement, Sort-Of”) Thank you for all of the laughs, the tears (Mark’s death hit me hard), and the insight the Alice books have brought to my life.

Phyllis replied;

Thanks so much for your email.   The very last book in the series will deal with Alice in adulthood, from ages 18 to 60.  It’s already at the publisher’s, and will come out in 2013.

Posted on: September 17, 2011

Message from Phyllis

Hi, guys:  I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted your emails, but I’ve been typing almost 12 hours a day to make the deadline for the next Alice book.  The editor asked for a number of revisions and additions, the usual process, but I just this morning have it in shape and can turn my attention to other things, namely you.  There are 109 messages waiting, and many of them don’t want to be made public, so I will post only those that are willing to appear on the screen.  I’ll get to a few at a time, between tending to other business on my desk, but hope to answer them all by the end of the week.   Phyllis

Posted on: September 17, 2011

Alice On Board

I’m a big BIG fan of Alice. And I was wondering when is Alice On Board going to come out? I’ve just read Alice In Charge and Incredibly Alice and I want to know when the next book comes out! I want to know what happens on their summer!
Phyllis replied:
Don’t expect “Alice On Board” until next May or June.  I’m still working on the revision.  It takes a whole year for a book to be produced, once it’s accepted at the publisher’s.
Posted on: August 30, 2011

Answering Questions

Question:      I’ve read plenty of tween and teen books, but none of them really understood me untill I read about Alice.
Most of the other books I’ve read cover up REAL questions about life, IMPORTANT questions, that I want to ask.
but in the Alice series, everything is finally answered! Questions about life, love and so on. Also, the Alice books were the first books I’ve read that made me actually want to laugh out loud. And when I did, everyone I was around with at the moment would stare at me.  No, I havn’t read ALL the Alice books. There are so many (happily) and some of them have such “interesting”
pictures on the cover, my mom probably won’t let me take out. But I plan on checking them out later on.
Phyllis replied:
I’m so glad you found them helpful, though I still have a lot of questions of my own about life.
Posted on: August 30, 2011

The Ex-Boyfriend



just started grade an it was pretty cool all my teachers are nice anyway my ex boyfriend goes to my school and sometimes he would be nice and other times he wouldn’t . And I don’t know  if he still likes me and his best friend keeps on saying that he does but i dont believe it i just want to dropp all the drama any advice for a girl who is clueless??


Phyllis replied:


Why don’t you just drop the ex-boyfriend and concentrate on new friends, and a new school year? 

Posted on: August 30, 2011


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