Your Questions Answered

There’s Always an Alice Book

Hey Phillis!
I just wanted to let you know how much your books mean to me. There are so many times in life where something happens to me and immediately I think of an Alice book. A few weeks ago I didn’t pass my driving test and I thought it was the end of the world. I cried all the way home, then I remembered the same thing happening to Alice in Alice on her way. as soon as I got home I read the same thing that had just happened to me happening to Alice, it made me feel like I wasn’t alone and just like Alice I passed on my second try. It’s just one example, but this really happens a lot. There is so many things to relate to Alice, whatever age you are and whatever you are going through, theres an Alice book for that! I can’t imagine my life without reading them, I started in 5th grade. I have learned so much. It’s funny how my 8 year old sister likes these books too, even though she has only read the prequils it’s still fun.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and I am excited for this June! And June 2013, that book will be a graduation present to myself lol


Phyllis replied:

I loved hearing about your experience, and that an Alice book was helpful.  When the last Alice book is published in 2013, I’ll ask my readers to tell me their favorite scene out of all the Alice books, and I’ll post them here on this page.  It will be fun to relive them, and see what other readers liked best.


Posted on: February 15, 2011

Alice on ebooks?

I’d like to say I’ve been reading the Alice books since I was 12 but I only read the first one, The Agony of Alice, when I was around that age and I remembered how funny she was, and how I could sort of agree with the way she thought things or did things. It wasn’t until I was in my 20’s that I went searching for that first book and found myself faced with a whole list of books I had missed out on all those years!! I checked them all out of the libaray, those I couldn’t find in stores, and read all the way up to the current one. Now I’m working on completing my collection by owning the whole series because I love re-reading books.
My question is, will the Alice series ever come out in ebook format, or for Kindle? Of all the books I would want in my pocket to read at any time, the Alice series would be at the top of the list! They say on Amazon that they will “Send your request to the publisher” but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask the author herself. Kudos on having such a great mind to create Alice and to connect with teenagers in a unique way, since connecting with teenage girls isn’t exactly rocket science! :-)
Phyllis replied:
I’ve sent your question on to my editor, but I’m guessing that the answer will be yes.  I think you’ll eventually see them in ebook format.  I’ll let you know if and when that happens.
Posted on: February 8, 2011

Love her Experiences


Hello!:) This is just one of thousands of questions i would like to ask. Also one of thousands of emails you have received. I asked for a book that put together Alice’s whole 9th grade year for Christmas. I started not even in the middle of the series, i know… but i love her experiences and how i can relate to her, feel what she’s feeling you know? I even had pineapple upside down cake for my birthday this year! Well, my question is: I’m starting 7th grade in the fall. Where i’m from, that’s the beginning of middle school. All my old friends… lets just say ‘changed’ in a bad way… the beauty of them out of my life is the four best friends i have now. Haha, I never would have guessed we would ALL be going to a different middle school. I would like some ideas of how to keep our friendship strong even though we won’t be seeing each other as often. I’m not worried about new friends though. I’m a bubbly person that keeps my good grades and makes the right choices.

Phyllis replied:


It’s good to hear that you have new friends, good friends, and that you want to keep them.  The suggestions are the same for any relationship: give each other some slack–remembering that everybody has an off day or makes some careless remark; give each other some space–don’t get mad if somebody doesn’t want to do everything you’d like to do, or doesn’t invite you to every single get-together; show as much interest in what they do as you expect them to show for your activities…  The list goes on and on, and if you girls talked about it, you could make some suggestions of your own.

Posted on: February 8, 2011

Honest and realistic

Dear Ms. Naylor,

I’m a 24-year old who started reading your “Alice” books in middle school, and I have to thank you for your incredibly honest, realistic, and poignant portrayal of what it’s like to grow up female. High school, college, and graduate school distracted me, and I stopped reading Alice around the time of “Alice Alone,” but after I needed a pick-me-up recently, I went to the Foggy Bottom library, read the next five Alice books, and was happy to see that they are as compelling now as they were when I was fifteen.  

I grew up in Gaithersburg and always loved how you put local landmarks into your stories, along with lots of wit and love. Alice taught me to be a more compassionate and thoughtful young adult, and when I have nieces or daughters, I will be sure to make these books a part of their lives, too. Thanks for all that you’ve given to young and old readers alike.

Phyllis replied:
It’s wonderful to know that when you rediscovered the Alice books, they still meant so much to you.  Thank you for taking the time to write to me!
Posted on: February 8, 2011

Better than Music



You have such a special gift and it’s………. writing novels. I am thirteen myself and your books are really addicting and I don’t read one of your books once I read them 3 too 5 times and each time I read them I find something I missed the other time I read the book(s). I’m so HAPPY your writing more books because other authors don’t really listen to their fans so thank you for writing these books there much better than music, ha ha, thanks

Phyllis replied:

Better than music?  Hmmm.  But I’m so glad you like them enough to read them over and over again.

Posted on: February 3, 2011

She Says I Stole Him From Her

So, I have this friend, we can call him…Lucas. Lucas dated my sort of friend, who we can call Kelly. So, Lucas and Kelly dated for a while, and in that time, he became my really good friend. Anyway, he started saying he fell out of love with Kelly, and wanted to break up with her. She found out, and then blamed it on me, saying I stole him from her. Anyways, he became practically my best friend, and he’s always there for me. He of course is your average pervish seventh grade boy, but anyways…I know he liked me for a while, I liked him back, and people everyday would ask if he was my boyfriend. Once someone asked when he was standing next to me, and he responded with “Yeah I am” and I was confused…Anyways, it’s been two months since then, and we’ve remained just friends. And then, yesterday, I was in P.E when Lucas walked by, waved, smiled, and then went into his classroom. Someone said, “is that your boyfriend?” And even though I shook my head no, I suddenly wanted to say yes. I wanted to say yes he is my boyfriend. Now, I’m debating whether or not I should tell him. It could ruin our friendship, and it could prove Kelly right. But, ugh…Help.

Phyllis replied:

I suggest that you and Lucas figure out where you stand with each other before any of your friends or classmates get in on it.  And certainly the only people who matter are you and Lucas.  If he is really “practically your best friend and is always there for you,” you should be able to talk about this.  You might start out by saying, “If we ever started liking each other as more than just friends, do you think it would ruin what we have now?”  That gives him a perfect opportunity to tell you if he regards you as his girlfriend, and then you can decide how you feel about him.

Posted on: January 30, 2011

Next Alice Book

I absolutely love your Alice series and cant wait till this June for when Incredibly Alice comes out. My question is, after Incredibly Alice comes out is there going to be any more books before Always Alice comes out? And will, if Always Alice is coming out next, be released a year after like your other books?
 Phyllis replied:
Incredibly Alice —  Publication date, June 2011
Alice On Board — Publication date, June 2012
Always Alice —   Publication date, June 2013

Posted on: January 30, 2011

Living my Shiloh Dream


I am at Western Kentucky University studying International Affairs, Political Science, and Philosophy at the Honors College. Whether it be the National Forensics League, competitive speaking, or The Economist, I’ve always had some sort of academic obsession propelling me forward. Today, I thought to trace all of my obsessions. I realized that my obsessions began when I learned to read. My first obsession: The Shiloh Trilogy. I read those three books over and over. I remember being driven to tears because I wanted a dog so badly. I didn’t want just any dog. I wanted a Beagle. Now, I am living my Shiloh dream with a Brittany Spaniel named Meeko. I remember being bullied when I was in elementary school. I remember not being fond of my elementary school experience. However, I did love your books. I cherished them for two years of my life. I loved them so much.

Phyllis replied:


Thanks so much for taking the time to write to me.   It’s wonderful to know that my books have been such a friend to you.  Hugs to you and Meeko, and best of luck in  your college career!

Posted on: January 30, 2011

New Alice Book?

i love your books. like, more than anything. a couple years ago, after reading “Almost Alice” i was desperate for the new book. Recently (meaning 2 days ago), i found “Intensely Alice” at the library and literally just finished reading it about 5 minutes ago. and once again, i have that desperate feeling for a new one. sadly, i know i will have to wait until may, but could you give me the title of the new book, and the day its coming out, if you know it? Thank you so much, you are an amazing author and i will be reading Alice stories till the day they stop (which i hope is never!! :P)

Phyllis replied:


You missed the book that came out next–“Alice in Charge”–which was published last June.  Look for “Incredibly Alice” this coming June.

Posted on: January 24, 2011

Hard to Find the Older Ones

I absolutely adore your “Alice” series.  I was wondering if any of the earlier Alice books will be compiled into large books like “I Like Him, He Likes Her; It’s Not Like I Planned It This Way; and Please Don’t Be True”.  I want to own the entire series, but it’s hard to find the older ones. 
Thanks and I am so excited for “Please Don’t Be True” to come out this year :]
Phyllis replied:
There aren’t any plans at present to reprint the earlier titles in 3-book bind-ups, as they call the larger paperbacks, but they are coming out with a whole new edition of the older books in paperback, with wonderful new covers, a delightful drawing on each of Alice as she grows slightly older in every book.  I don’t know exactly when they’ll be available–soon, I think; I’ll tell you here–but I think you’ll like them, starting with The Agony of Alice.  The titles will be the same as the original books.
Posted on: January 24, 2011


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