Your Questions Answered
Reading Alice Since I Was in Fourth Grade
I Just Get Bored
“It’s Not Like I Planned It This Way”
I am currently a freshman in high school, and one of my friends had your book titled “I Like Him, He Likes Her.” It is a combination of books 13, 14, and 15. She didnt like the book too much, so she gave it to me. I personally enjoy the books, and i am looking forward to reading all of them soon. I also love the skinny dipping part in book 15.. it made me laugh alot. When does the new book come out?
Phyllis replied:
The next collection is already out–“It’s Not Like I Planned It this Way.” These are the 3 books of Alice as a sophomore in high school.
Not Sure What to Do
Made Me Feel More Normal
I grew up as an only child in an incredibly conservative, religious household. My views were always more liberal than my parents, even at a young age, but I was never able to share those views with them or ask personal questions because of the very strict upbringing. Fortunately though, I had Alice to look to for a little bit of guidance.I just want to thank you for the Alice Series and for all that your books have taught me. I began reading the series in sixth grade (the same grade that Alice was in at the start of the books) after checking your books out at the library. Having a resource that I could look to and that could answer some of the embarrassing questions that I had was such a comfort. The books made me feel like it was okay if I thought about the things that I did. I was able to read about going to the gynecologist, getting one’s period, making out with a boy for the first time, and even sex.
Your books have made me laugh, have made me think, and most importantly, have made me feel more normal. I am now 23 years old and while it has been a long time since I have read of the books in its entirety, I still consider your series to be some of the most pivotal books that I read as a pre-teen and teenage girl. Without the series, I would have felt a lot more lost and confused. Thank you so much for writing with such honesty and without censorship.
Phyllis replied:I truly appreciate your email. I’m giving a talk in a few weeks about the Alice books and censorship, and I will be quoting a few lines from your letter, without identifying you, of course. It’s so important to know that we are not alone in our questions, in the things we think about, and it makes growing up so much easier. I felt the same way you did when I was younger–questions I just didn’t feel I could ask. I’m glad to know that my books have helped you, and thank you again for your email.
Coming Forward
Hi Pn Since I have written you last about my guy friend I couldn’t stop thinking about things have cooled down a pit in my mind. So I went to youth group tonight and I was talking to him I know this may be a very easy question to answer myself but I thought I would ask you. Well I was talking to him and well I felt that he was getting in my personal space so I stepped back a little pit but everytime I would do so he would take a step forward more I didn’t want to be mean and say your in my Personal Space so I kept trying to back away a little but he would come forward everytime I stepped back. I asked my dad what this meant since he was a teen guy once but he didn’t know so I thought I would ask you what do you think it means?
Phyllis replied:
He either likes your perfume or he has a hearing problem?
“I Like Him, He Likes Her”
Should I finish It?
I’ve been writing a book for about a year now and I made the mistake of showing someone my book. I’ve had lots of trouble finishing it now and I was wondering, do you think I should finish it? My problem is I don’t really have anything else to write about. But then again it’s so hard finshing it. has this ever happend to you? Thank you. I really appreciate it.
Phyllis replied:
I understand how you feel, and that’s why I don’t even TALK about a book I’m writing before I’ve finished a third draft. All someone has to do is raise an eyebrow, or say, “Hasn’t that been done before?” and my bubble bursts. It’s important, when you’re writing, that you feel excited by the plot and what you want to do with it, and any criticism is likely to affect you. Now that you’ve already shown it to someone–and this person has probably commented unfavorably?–I suggest going ahead with it and finishing it. Revise it as many times as you feel necessary to make it the very best you can do. THEN show it around and ask for comments.
How Can I get Him to Talk?
Uhh, well, to start off, there’s this guy. I met him through a friend of mine,
and ever since, we’ve been really good friends. I bet your thinking, “what’s the
problem, ur friends with him!” Well, I use to like him, well u can say I still
do. Its just that, he says he doesn’t like me, but he says nice stuff like “I
miss you” or “I really wanna hang out, just the two of us”. I’ve never had a guy
tell me that before. So, yeah, I’m new to this stuff. But, if he says he doent
like me, then why bother to hang out with me alone? Why bother to say I miss
I’m black. And he’s white.
Sometimes I think most guy like me, that are white, its just that it seems like
their scared to say “I like a black girl” I mean, what so wrong about that? I
understand that their probably new to dating a gurl that’s different, but he’s
my best guy friend, we tell each other everything, I mean, EVERYTHING!
Now, its like, he barley talks to me?! How can I get him to talk?
Could you give me some advice?
Thanks so much, and I LOVE your books!!(:
Phyllis replied:
I wish I could see into his head and tell you what he’s really thinking. And obviously, he doesn’t tell you EVERYTHING or you’d already know what’s up. When he says he doesn’t like you, is that to you? He tells others? He means he does like you romantically? It’s possible that he used to like you but is moving on. It’s possible that when he says he misses you, he’s trying to let you down slowly. It’s possible that he really does like you, but the race thing bothers him, and he’s not grown up enough to handle it. But if he rarely talks to you anymore, I’d give him space and not spend too much energy worrying about it. What I would NOT do is try to get him to talk. He may not even know himself exactly how he feels. You have other friends, you have other interests, get involved in other things. To try to force someone to put his feelings into words may make him say things he doesn’t really mean.
More Alice Movies!
I LOVE your alice books I can relate to them so well, you make it seem like alice is one of my friends. I think that you should make more of the alice books into movies, because I loved the one that is a movie iv watched it like 10 times. I think that you should write some more alice books about her friends and her in collage! My boyfriend and patrick i think are exactly alike and that makes it even funner to read your books.
Phyllis replied:
There are more Alice books coming, but no movies that I know of. I’m glad you enjoyed the movie “Alice Upside Down.” Your boyfriend must be quite a guy!