Your Questions Answered

I’m Completely Serious


hey, okay so this email is gonna be completely serious. please understand this. im not trying to be rude. 

ok- so you now how alice masturbates? i figured you’d know a lot about it, since you write about it, and you get into detail with sexual things and how patrick fingers alice and how she gave him a hand job and stuff in intensely alice.(which was a good book! and i honestly think they should have had sex in right there, cause it was like perfect timing! but oh well haha.)
you know how there is that thing called a jerk circle. (i think thats what its called) for a group of guys who get together and pleasure themselves. well me and a bunch of my girlfriends get together once a week, and we all masturbate, kinda like the jerk circle. (we’re in college, and we started this so it can calm us down from the stress and shit. and it can get crazzzy, a bunch of horny girls in one room-. we usually end it with spin the bottle. but not the average kiss, its with fingering each other and were usually drunk by this time)  but all my friends tell me im doing it wrong, but i still get really horny when i do it, so i feel like im doing it right. they always show me how to do it, but every time i try it again they say im still doing it wrong. so how do i do it right?? are they just telling me im doing it wrong because it sure as hell feels like im doing it right!? i want to be able to pleasure myself when not having sex without using a vibrator or sex toys. i want to be able to pleasure myself knowing that im doing it right! please mrs.naylor help me here!
and one last question, do you masturbate?


Phyllis replied:


I’ll have to take your word that your email is completely serious, because it didn’t seem so to me.  For a group of college girls uninhibited enough to masturbate in front of each other, it’s hard to believe that you want to know if you’re “doing it right.”  How can you say to anyone else “You’re not enjoying chocolate right,” or “You’re not enjoying a sunset right” or “You’re not enjoying your backrub right.”   If you are getting pleasure, isn’t that what it’s all about?   (I answered a similar question just a few days ago).

Posted on: March 18, 2010

I Can’t Stop Thinking About It

I really enjoy your books. So thanks so much for writing them! But I really need some, well not exactly advice but something thats been bothering me. So I’m an 8th grader and where I live there is a rollerskating rink where I live. Well it’s like a hangout for junior hgh and some highschool students. On friday nights thats when all the teens go. Were called the friday night regulars. SOme of them don’t even go to skate, some just go to makeout and be with friends. I go there to skate AND hangout with friends. So in front of the entrance a lot of kids are out there smoking and getting high. Last friday I was there and even though it was at night I had these awesome glasses on. Thats in fashion now. As I was walking in a guy yelled “Hey! I’ll give you ten bucks for those glasses, but first you have to suck my d****!” Now I can’t stop thinking about it. Then when we got inside there were this group of guys leaning over the rink and everytime I skated by the said “Ya!” and “dammn!” or “come over here!” It made me feel really un comfortable. They were at least 16. I know I wanna keep going on fridays…should just ignore it or confront them? But i’m defitnly not telling my parents, or they wouldn’t let me go again. Thanks for writing the books!

Phyllis replied:


I would ignore them.  I certainly would not suggest anything that would get a bunch of guys angry at you, and what they really want is a reaction from you.  If you don’t feel safe at the rink, then you definitely need to tell your parents.  But if someone is waiting to drive you home and watching you go in and out, and if otherwise you enjoy skating there, I would simply avoid the guys as much as possible.  If at any time they are really in your face and can’t be ignored, the best thing to do, if you can swing it, is to give them a bored look–not angry, not funny, just a sort of “Ho hum, why don’t you grow up?” look.  What guys do not want to be is boring.


Posted on: March 18, 2010


 i was wondering why you killed off  ——   in intensely alice???
and also is Elizbeth black??? i know this is stupid but i just wanted to ask.
oh! and are you going to make another movie of the alice books???. and i can’t wait for
the new book to come out!!!!,  well keep writing whatever you do!!!!! i love your books!!!!
june 15th needs to come fast!!.
Phyllis replied:
It’s realistic that in a teen’s life, someone might die she would least expect.  I try to keep the Alice books realistic.   No, in my books Elizabeth is not black.  The movie producers were trying to make the first Alice movie all-inclusive, and evidently didn’t want to wait until Gwen enters the picture.  I don’t know if they plan any more Alice movies or not. 
Posted on: March 18, 2010

What Does It Mean?

u said that the sticky stuff in my underwear was normal and that it was preparation for my period. does that mean that ill be getting my period soon or does it mean that i still wont get it for a long time? please help.
Phyllis replied:
Hey, look!  I’m not a doctor or nurse.  I never even had a course in First Aid.  And nobody gave me a calendar of your body.  All I can tell you is that I get dozens of letters about sticky stuff in underwear.  I had sticky stuff in MY underwear when I was your age.  But I don’t know what fate has designed for you, whether sooner or later, but please put your mind on something else and just see what happens.  Keep a thin pad handy in your bag, if you’re worried about getting your period at school or at the movies.  It would be very unlikely that your first period would come with a gush.
Posted on: March 18, 2010

Appreciate Your Honesty


I’m one of those adults who’s been reading your Alice books since I was in middle school. And I still love reading each new one as it comes out. I was looking through your Alice blog this afternoon and I just wanted to let you know that I so appreciate the honest, straightforward way that you answer all the questions you get. I hope when I have children that are pre-teens and teenagers that I will have the guts to show them how much I respect them by addressing their questions and concerns with as much honesty. I don’t always agree with what you say, but man, I honor your choice to be real and to genuinely concern yourself with the issues your readers face. Thank you for giving so much of yourself to the people who love your books.
P.S. I’m also kind of wondering if you have a new Alice book coming out this spring?  I thought there was usually a new one every year, but I haven’t seen a single thing on Amazon or your blog.


Phyllis replied:


Thank you so much for your letter.  If you go to “books”  on and type in “Alice in Charge,” you will see the cover of the new book coming out this June.

Posted on: March 17, 2010

Books Per Year

I havent written to you in a long time! I am so excited for alice in charge to come out. i just cant stop wondering why she is dancing with a black guy on the cover. Thats for me to find out in June i guess! when is the exact date anyway? i have it on reserve allready at my library but i want to put a countdown on my computer.
I have been so intrested in the alice books of when she is in high school latley. When I read them in middle school they weren’t as intresting as the ones when she was my age. I guess i am dealing with the same problems as her now. I was wondering why when alice is in middle school you made 3 books during the school year and sometimes 2 in the summer, and now that she is in high school there is only 1 per semester, then 1 in the summer? Also, my sister is almost eight and likes to read. she is in the gifted and talented program and i was wondering if the alice books would be appropreate for her. It would be cool if we were both into them because i dont know anyone else who reads them. Do you think she should just read the ones when alice is in elementary school? those reminded me of myself actually. they were fun to read, and im sure you had a good time writing them.
I hope you can get back to me but if you are busy thats understandable, considering you have some writing to do! Thanks so much for brining alice into all of our lives, you have no idea how much we appreciate it.
PS. Someone wrote to you about wearing mascara in seventh grade. when i was in seventh grade my parents said i couldnt. but because everyone else did, i went out and bought it myself. its not that great. when my parents found it, they were ferious! then i had to wait even longer! It was just last summer, going into ninth that i could wear it.
Phyllis replied:
I haven’t kept track, exactly, but after “Alice in Rapture,” I think I started writing a book for Alice’s fall semester, spring semester, and summer–three books for every year of her life, but I actually wrote only one per year.  I don’t know the exact date that “Alice in Charge” will be out–sometime in June.  Start your sister out by reading the Alice books that match her own age, and see how interested she is to go on and read those for older girls.

Posted on: March 17, 2010

Should I Feel Guilty?

So ummm I looove your books, but I really need to know if I should feel guilty about this or not. So my mom seems to think I’m never supposed to cusss or anything.. She got mad once when I said dude! Dude! Thats all I said. But when I’m at school I’m a completely different person. I cuss all the time! Stuff they block out on TV shows. I’m actually quite inappropriate. At my school band is mandatory. I play clarinet and I absoutly hate band!!!!! My mom knows I hate band, but she doesn’t know how much. I actually got an F in band. But thats just a elective class so it wasn’t a big deal.. I’ve ditched band with my friends before. Actually me and my best friend considered locking ourselves in the storage closet and pretend that we “accidently” locked ourselves in, just to skip band. I’m 13 and my mom doesn’t think I know what blowjobs are and mouthjobs. She always asks me if I’m dating, because I’m only allowed to when I’m 16. I hate lying about that. I feel really bad…..but by like 12 hormones already start to kick in. Appearntly not to my mom. Sometimes I pretend like I forgot to bring my instrument just to get out of it. I useally hide it in a bush with my friend kyle. She doesn’t know how inappropriate my friends are either. Once kyle dared my bestfriend to smack this really ugly guys butt when he wasn’t looking. And she did. I’m waay different when I’m at school or with my friends. So I know I’m not living a double life or anything….but am I a bad kid? Should I feel guilty??


Phyllis replied:

Let’s forget “guilty” for the moment and try to understand why you cuss inappropriately, pull tricks to get out of band, and lie to your mom.  Without knowing either you or your mom, your email seems to indicate that she is much too strict with you and you are reacting passive-aggressively by seeing what you can get away with at school without her knowing, instead of actually confronting her and having a serious talk.  Since you seem to know that the hard-cussing, trick-pulling, hanging-out-with-wrong-crowd person isn’t really you,  think about this:  If you suddenly were given the choice to choose exactly the kind of person you wanted to be at school, doing the kinds of activities you really like, what kind of person would that be?  Would you give up the cussing-persona to be one of the actors in a play?  Would you be the kind of person who might attract the attention of the eighth grade guy across the street?  Would you trade band for modern dance or girls’ soccer?  Who is the real you?  I know that it’s easier said than done for a girl, who is totally dependent on her parents for food and shelter and spending money, to sit down with her mom for a serious talk, but I think that’s what you need to do at a time she is relaxed and in a reasonably good mood.  Promise to listen carefully to the reasons she gives for what she demands from you if she will listen carefully to the way you are feeling.  Tell her that you resent her rules over the small things, like saying “Dude.”   That you resent having an arbitrary age restriction for dating.  That you want to be able to pick your own extra-curricular activities, and that band isn’t one of them.  Tell her that instead of hanging around with kids she probably wouldn’t approve of, and being tempted to ditch band, and using words she wouldn’t like just to get even, you want to become a different sort of person, and you need her help by giving you more freedom.  Then present your plan, and think it out beforehand:  Perhaps you want to trade band for drama club next year; you want to join the chorus or the dance club or soccer or the computer club; you want to have friends in sometimes for pizza and DVDs and you want to include some guys.  The very real fact is that if you continue doing as you are now, your mom is going to find out about it, or sense that it is going on, and will trust you even less.  She will become more restrictive, not less, and you sure don’t want that.  I did some incredibly silly things when I was 12, and I blush now to even think about it.  I hung out with people not at all like me, knowing all the while I could never be serious about them.  And I soon discovered I was turning off the people I really DID want to hang out with.  By eighth grade I had become more the person I really was.  Think about the kind of person you really want to be, the kind of people you hope to attract, and head in that direction.  When your mother sees a growing maturity in you, she is far more likely to offer more freedom.

Posted on: March 17, 2010

Do I Need to Read the Prequels?

Hey…i have recently heard of your series and want to get started reading them but do i need to start with the prequels to understand the series or can i start with The Agony of Alice?
Phyllis replied:
Of course you can start with The Agony of Alice.  Many readers just wanted me to go back further with Alice, and that’s why I wrote the prequels.  (They also wanted to see more of Lester as a teen.)
Posted on: March 15, 2010

Seriously Had to Put the Book Down Twice


I just finished reading dangerously Alice, and I seriously had to put the book down twice when Tony and her….you know….did THAT anyways…i love how you write things about what can happen to a real teenager! but did you actually experience scenarios like this?



Phyllis replied:


Ahem.  Did you seriously expect me to answer a question like THAT?

Posted on: March 15, 2010

How Do You Do It?

I know what masturbation is, but how do you do it?
Phyllis replied:
It’s so very personal that it’s probably different for every person.  It would be like trying to describe how you like a back rub or exactly how chocolate tastes in your  mouth.   A guy might stroke his penis and a girl stroke her clitoris, and it’s the rhythm and pressure–different for every person–that excites them.  Usually guys are thinking of girls and of making love to them, and the girls are thinking of guys.  This is natural, normal, and because it’s all imaginary, some of these fantasies can be pretty wild.  And if you don’t want to masturbate, that’s okay too.

Posted on: March 15, 2010


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