Banned Book Question about Alice series


As you can tell by the subject title, I’m asking about the Alice series being banned. I think it’s a great series, but I’m doing research on it and was hoping to get your opinion on how the Alice series impacted society. If you could reply back to me I would really appreciate your opinion!

Phyllis replied:

I don’t know how the series impacted society, but I know how it has impacted hundreds and hundreds of young people, especially girls, because they have written to me.  Perhaps 95% of the letters and emails express appreciation for writing about topics they have always wondered about, but have hesitated to bring up with their mothers because they felt their mothers would not appreciate it, and question them as to why they had asked.  Many have also talked about the many decisions Alice has had to make as she has progressed from 8 years old at the start of the series to 60 at the end.  Not all of her choices have been good ones, but she has learned from them, and readers seem to feel that his has been useful to them in their own lives.  The very things Alice talks and thinks about, however, seem to be the very things that some parents want banned from their libraries.  Fortunately, most librarians stand up for the right to learn, to know, and to read the books you choose yourselves, not what others decide is best for you.

Posted on: January 13, 2019


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