Best Advice for Becoming a Writer



I would just like to tell you how much I LOVE your books! Every book I’ve read I just LOVED! I really like the Alice books and the Bernie Magrudger books. They rock. Oh and I couldn’t forget Shiloh! I love those books also. But, now I just want to ask you one question, what is your best advice on writing a book. I know I’m only 11 years old, but I love to read and would so much love to have my very on published book so please give me your best advice.

Phyllis replied:


The very best advice I can give right now is to get a copy of my book (paperback), “How I Came to Be a Writer.”   I think it would be a great help to you–it’s for ages 10 to 15.

Posted on: July 27, 2009


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