Blizzard’s Wake

First Comment:

I have taught your novel, “Blizzard’s Wake” several times to my past middle school students. Unfortunately I have moved schools and my current school does NOT have a classroom set of this novel. I have tried to order it from many other places, but have been unable to get a classroom set from anywhere. Any ideas where or how I could get a classroom set of 30 copies of your novel “Blizzard’s Wake” so that I can teach it to my fall group of students?

Phyllis’ first reply:

I’m sorry you aren’t able to find 30 copies of that book.  I called my publisher who checked with Simon Pulse, the division that published this book, but it is out of stock.   Their edition came out in 2004, so that’s not too surprising.  I only have a few copies of that book myself.  I’m so sorry I can’t help.

Second comment and Phyllis’ reply:  You then wrote to ask if it would be permissible to make copies of the book yourself.  I passed it along to my editor’s assistant, but have not heard back from her.  I suggest you email Michelle Lee, who is marketing manager, Education & Library, at and ask her advice.  Perhaps she will connect you to subsidiary rights.  When a book is out of print, I would think they might work out something.

Posted on: May 10, 2018


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