Book cover question & beliefs in revenge


Hi, it’s me again, sorry to bug u out of your busy day. I just wanted to ask if the guy Alice is holding hands with on the Cover of “Now I’ll Tell You Everything” is Patrick or Dave and the boy she’s sitting with on the cover of Intensely Alice Patrick or not. Also Do you believe in revenge? I’ve been curious about it lately because all my life my father told me that revenge is the best solution, so have my aunts like if a boy cheats on you or if he leaves u for someone else, I always thought so but now I’m not sure, I want to be the best person I can be like Alice, I want to be a sensible grown up since I will be soon. So what are your thoughts because personally I think you’re very wise and you seem kind and educated about life. ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

Phyllis replied:

I wish I could spend more time with each fan who writes to me, but if you saw my desk…and the piles of notes and clippings and books scattered about me that I need when writing a book–you would see that my time is limited.ย  An artist or photographer who is chosen to provide a cover for one of my books usually determines what he or she (plus the editor) would like to portray.ย  And many times, it’s sort ofย  toss-up, so that the reader can project whatever they want onto the picture.ย  So why don’t you decide who the boy would be.ย  As for revenge, do you really want to spend your life “getting even” with people?ย  Ugh.

Posted on: December 15, 2020


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