Books in Order


I am thirteen and a great fan of your “Alice” series.  i really like them.  when i have nothing to look forward to, i always know that there is an “Alice” book lying in my backpack waiting to be read.  So anyways, i hope that you keep writing them.  I am glad that Patrick and Alice are back together.  I was waiting for that since “Alice Alone”!  Whenever I read books, it revolvs in ront of my evey like a movie.  i have espically starting reading a lot more than i used to since i started on your alice series.  those books have just some awesome plot lines.  sometimes, i cant resist to look at the story, so i just read the end a little bit.  then i feel that i shouldnt have so i would stay in the suspence.  but i still do that, sometimes anyways.  is intensely alice after almost alice? and alice in charge after intensely alice?  oh, there is just so much story to look forward to in your alice books.  i thought that almost alice was the last one, so i was like, OH MY GOSH!!!!! Then i found out that it wasnt, so i was relieved.  whenever i finish a series, i feel like there should have been more books.  i am aware that you get about millions of these email everyday…. but i would really like for you to respond to me… and would you be so kind to please send me a list of all of the “Alice” books starting from Intensely Alice and so on???? Oh, I would really like it if you would send me the list…. not just the ones that came out, but the other titles that you are also planning to write, or already writing.  any alice books, in order, that you will write after intensely alice.  you see, i really cant find all of the books accurately even on the internet.  so i would be pleased if the wonderful author herself wrote/told me the books.  there is so much more i could write about but my mom is calling me to dinner. i really hope that u respond to my email…

Phyllis replied:

 Please look at the top of the home page on the Alice website and you will see “Books in Order.”  Click on that, and it will list all the Alice books to date.

Posted on: December 6, 2009


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